After two straight days of being attacked on the streets of Cairo, Anderson Cooper brought viewers his Thursday show from an undisclosed, dimly lit room, saying that he was “a little bit scared” for his safety.
Cooper was punched repeatedly and attacked for minutes by a mob of supporters of President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday. On Thursday, another group of pro-government forces smashed a rock through his car window while he and his crew were in it. Cooper had been reporting from the Cairo streets, but by Thursday night he had gone to ground.
新华网旧金山2月3日电 全球互联网IP地址相关管理组织3日说,现有的互联网IP地址已于当天分配完毕,IP地址总库已经枯竭,互联网未来发展将系于在全球范围内普及下一代互联网通信协议。
有关“基于IPv4的IP地址将全部耗尽”的新闻近年在全球引起关注,给人们的认识造成一些混乱。国际互联网名称和编号分配公司在公布IP地址 (基于IPv4)分配完毕的消息时指出,该公司与其他一些机构多年来一直在为此准备,新一代互联网通信协议IPv6能提供巨大的地址空间,人们不必为此担心。
The asteroid Apophis was discovered on June 19, 2004\. It will fly within 18,300 miles of Earth on April 13, 2029, but poses little risk of impact.
In 2004, NASA scientists announced that there was a chance that Apophis, an asteroid larger than two football fields, could smash into Earth in 2029\. A few additional observations and some number-crunching later, astronomers noted that the chance of the planet-killer hitting Earth in 2029 was nearly zilch.
Now, reports out of Russia say that scientists there estimate Apophis will [collide with Earth on April 13, 2036]( These reports conflict on the probability of such a doomsday event, but the question remains: How scared should we be?
“Technically, they’re correct, there is a chance in 2036 [that Apophis will hit Earth]," said Donald Yeomans, head of NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office. However, that chance is just 1-in-250,000, Yeomans said.
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![Is This UFO Caught By Multiple Cameras a Real Alien Spaceship? (Updated)]( I'm _always_ skeptical about little green men and their flying machines. There's always one nutter/hoaxer claiming to have captured an UFO on a blurry film. This time, however, it's hard to dismiss because multiple people caught it at the same time. **Updated.**
The video above shows three videos taken from three different angles by three different people—including one woman from Mississippi—synchronized into one. Here’s the first video, showing a bright dot descending and hovering over Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock, one of the holiest spots in the world, at the heart of the Jewish-Muslim conflict in Israel:
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我擦 你我都活在另外一个世界
![The five planets, like Earth, are in the habitable zone, which is a distance from their suns where liquid water could exist.](
(CNN) – Are we alone in the universe? Findings by NASA’s Kepler space telescope are making that seem less likely.
NASA scientists have announced Kepler has spotted five planets about the size of Earth, orbiting stars in our galaxy.
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北京时间2011年2月3日凌晨两点,就在全国人民欢度新春佳节的时候远在大洋彼岸的美国加州山景城Google总部召开了一个小型的媒体发布会。万众瞩目的Android 3.0 HoneyComb操作系统正式发布。
睁开你们的眼睛看看吧!Android 3.0都发布了!骗子们,你们连Android 1.5都没搞明白呢就敢开门招生了,刚搞明白SDK怎么安装就敢收学生几万学费了。从头到尾你们写过一个完整的Android程序吗?知道Android Market怎么上吗?整吧整吧,河蟹社会就靠你们了,反正孩子们的钱最好骗。硕鼠们,你们可千万别露陷啊,人在做天在看,早晚要遭报应的。
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Oops! Terrified by a critical mass of enraged broadband consumers, Canada’s government is telling its telecom regulator to rescind its approval of metered or “usage based” billing, or else. Industry Minister Tony Clement is now insisting that Canada’s Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has to undo the ruling.
Most Canadian newspapers are getting the same message from the top. The CRTC “should be under no illusion—the Prime Minister and Minister of Industry will reverse this decision unless the CRTC does it itself,” a member of Canada’s conservative government told the _Toronto Sta_r on Wednesday.