
What If You Put Jupiter Where the Moon Is? [Video]

2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

[![What If You Put Jupiter Where the Moon Is?](http://dmml.nu/wp-content/plugins/rss-poster/cache/b4342_500x_19231255.jpg)](http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/4/2011/01/19231255.jpg) We're lucky, all things considered, to have as gorgeous and unobtrusive a dance partner as the moon. But what if the other planets in the solar system were in its place, orbiting a mere 380,000km from Earth? Terrifying beauty. Brad Goodspeed’s “Scale” shows us just how small we really are in the grand scheme of things, sure. But it also reminds us of the awe-inspiring beauty of the universe—and how lucky we are to have such a manageable back yard. ...

Android Now the #1 Smartphone Platform Worldwide

2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

Android #1 Based on 2010 Shipments # Canalys says that the volume of Android-based devices was boosted by strong performance from several smartphone vendors, including LG, Samsung, Acer and HTC, all of which had seen their Android, and Android-based (OMS, Tapas,* etc.) platforms increase dramatically year-over-year. For example, LG saw a 4,127% increase, Samsung, 1, 474%, Acer, 709% and HTC 371%. HTC and Samsung combined accounted for almost 45% of Google Android-based smartphone shipments. ...


2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

拼音输入法的渐变 趋势研究——云输入下一波 腾讯QQ五笔输入法发布 百度发布手机输入法和掌上百度 百度收购点讯手机输入法 搜狗发布云输入法 输入法破局研究——联盟推广 搜狗输入法——国内众包案例 谷歌拼音输入法2.0正式版发布 谷歌拼音输入法2.0测试版试用 搜狗手机输入法发布 搜狗五笔输入法发布 谷歌拼音输入法再次更新 腾讯QQ拼音输入法试用 谷歌拼音输入法的重大算法更新 腾讯QQ拼音输入法初体验 谷歌和搜狗拼音输入法升级 谷歌拼音输入法的工具栏 拼音输入法的专利 谷歌承认拼音法词库存在问题 谷歌拼音输入法的词库导入方法 搜狗拼音和谷歌拼音之争 谷歌拼音输入法下载和评测 搜狗拼音输入法正式版发布 拼音输入法简评

谷歌音乐盒3 批量下载正版音乐

2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

感谢鸡西跑酷爱好者俱乐部的投递 新闻来源:谷奥 谷歌音乐盒是一款完全免费的网络音乐播放软件,意在让用户更方便地发现和欣赏音乐,所有音乐都是由"巨鲸音乐网" (top100.cn)提供的正版音乐。 版本号: 更新时间:2011.1.31 文件大小:506kb 运行环境:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 立即下载 版本3.0.1.35(2011/01/31)NEW! 1、谷歌音乐盒3正式发布

Huge ISPs want per-GB payments from Netflix, YouTube

2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

<!--body--> Poor Internet providers. They have to carry all that horrible, horrible traffic from Netflix and YouTube, and they just can’t afford it anymore. Unless they start charging end users 21 percent more for Internet access, or unless they’re allowed to bill Internet companies at 3.7¢ per GB, the Internet could “become unusable at peak times” due to congestion. The huge incumbent ISPs have a fairly obvious agenda for the future of the ‘Net, one that involves traffic prioritization, more “managed services,” and high prices, but rarely is the wish list on such prominent display as in a recent report from consultancy A. ...

Water-propelled jetpack is no dream, can be yours for $99,500 this March (video)

2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

[![](http://dmml.nu/wp-content/plugins/rss-poster/cache/f6054_11x0131835mvuy.jpg)](http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/31/water-propelled-jetpack-is-no-dream-can-be-yours-for-99-500-th/) It’s taken a long time since that 2005 patent was filed for, but Raymond Li is now finally ready to bring his water-propelled jetpack to the money-spending world. Nailing down a March 2011 launch date and a price of $99,500 hasn’t been easy for the inventor, who says his efforts to procure capital and prototyping quotations were mostly met with incredulity – “almost everyone thought I was crazy.” His JetLev personal transporter relies on an engine and fuel tank (which remain on the water’s surface) to pump H20 into a backpack that then shoots out streams of the drinkable stuff to keep your airborne. ...


2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

<!-- : end --> <!-- begin --> <!-- end --> <!-- begin --> <!-- --> <!-- publish_helper name='' p_id='2' t_id='1' d_id='5152655' f_id='2' --> 新浪科技讯 北京时间2月1日凌晨消息,市场研究公司Gartner预计,到2014年全球移动应用下载市场的规模将达到580亿美元。 去年,全球用户一共为移动应用支付了52亿美元。Gartner预计,今年移动应用的下载量将达到177亿次,是2010年的82亿次的两倍以上。此外,截至2014年底,全球用户自2008年以来的移动应用下载总量将超过1850亿次。 Gartner指出,尽管用户的平均应用下载量保持稳定,但平板电脑的普及将带来更多的下载。此外,移动应用市场的高速增长,部分得益于诺基亚、RIM等公司相继推出了类似于苹果App Store的应用商店。 移动应用带来的收入不仅来自付费下载,也来自应用内广告。Gartner预计,2011年免费应用下载将占到移动应用下载总量的81%。而随着人们对支付系统的愈加信任,付费下载的数额也将提升。(彦飞) <!-- {} --> <!-- --> <!-- --><!-- {} --><!-- {081105} --> <!-- --> <!-- end -->

Egypt's Treasures: Assessing the Damage

2011-02-01. Category & Tags: Others Others

Concern about Egypt’s priceless antiquities continues to grow, and Egyptologists around the world are issuing high-alert statements about the risk of Egyptian antiquities being smuggled abroad. “It would be a wonderful gesture if people who are in the antiquity business do not buy any Egyptian artifact at the moment, particularly if they look Old Kingdom antiquities or if they appear to come from the Memphite Necropolis of the New Kingdom,” Salima Ikram, professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, told Discovery News in a phone interview from Cairo. ...