Git In Case Of
Category & Tags:
Motivation #
Config #
git config -l # ls all configs
Frequently Used #
git help <command>
git show # show content of a commit/file-obj.
git show $id
git show object
git show $REV:$FILE
git show somebranch:from/the/root/myfile.txt
git show HEAD^^^:test/
git co -- <file> # discard modifications in workspace // co = Check Out
git co . # discard modifications for all (previously existing?) files in workspace
git co ea083b . # discard modifications in workspace and co all files from commit ea083b to overwrite files, but without changing branch/commit
git add <file> # 将工作文件修改提交到本地暂存区
git add . # 将所有修改过的工作文件提交暂存区
git st/status # workspace status
git commit -m'msg' # commit with a msg
git tag v1.0 ea083b # tagging ea083b with a tag "v1.0"
git tag -d ea083b # delete tag of commit ea083b
git rm <file> # 从版本库中删除文件
git rm <file> --cached # 从版本库中删除文件,但不删除文件
git ci <file>
git ci .
git ci -a # 将git add, git rm和git ci等操作都合并在一起做
git ci -am "some comments"
git ci --amend # 修改最后一次提交记录
git revert <$id> # 恢复某次提交的状态,恢复动作本身也创建了一次提交对象
git revert HEAD # 恢复最后一次提交的状态
git blame [commit] -Ln1,n2 -- prev/file # see sub-section below
Diff #
git diff <file> # 比较当前文件和暂存区文件差异
git diff
git diff <$id1> <$id2> # 比较两次提交之间的差异
git diff <branch1>..<branch2> # 在两个分支之间比较
git diff --staged # 比较暂存区和版本库差异
git diff --cached # 比较暂存区和版本库差异
git diff --stat # 仅仅比较统计信息
Reset & Resore (inc. Stage) #
git reset # = `undo add ` 从暂存区恢复所有文件到工作文件
git reset <file> # = `undo add <file>` 从暂存区恢复到工作文件
git reset -- . # 从暂存区恢复到工作文件
git reset --hard # 恢复最近一次提交过的状态,放弃上次提交后的所有本地修改,用的也很多!!
git reset --hard origin/master
git reset --hard <a_commit>
git reset --soft HEAD~1 # 撤消最后一次commit,所有的修改都保留, 用的最多 !!!
git restore --staged # Unstage one file (undo git add). Copies the last version of from repo to index
git restore --staged . # Unstage all files (undo git add)
Log #
git log
git log <file> # 查看该文件每次提交记录
git log -p <file> # 查看每次详细修改内容的diff
git log -p -2 # 查看最近两次详细修改内容的diff
git log --stat # 查看提交统计信息`</pre>
Local Branch #
take a look #
git br -r # 查看远程分支
git br -v # 查看各个分支最后提交信息
git br --merged # 查看已经被合并到当前分支的分支
git br --no-merged # 查看尚未被合并到当前分支的分支
git br <new_branch> # 创建新的分支(不常用!)
git co -b <new_branch> # 从当前commit 创建新的分支,并且切换过去 (常用!)
change a branch #
git co <branch> # 切换到某个分支
git co <branch> . # co某个分支所有文件,但是不切换分支
git co -b <new_branch> <branch> # 基于branch创建新的new_branch
git co $id # 把某次历史提交记录checkout出来,但无分支信息,切换到其他分支会自动删除
git co $id -b <new_branch> # 把某次历史提交记录checkout出来,创建成一个分支
delete a branch #
git br -d <branch> # 删除某个分支
git br -D <branch> # 强制删除某个分支 (未被合并的分支被删除的时候需要强制)
merge & rebase #
git merge <branch> # 将branch分支合并到当前分支
git merge origin/master --no-ff # 不要Fast-Foward合并,这样可以生成merge提交
git pull --rebase
git rebase master <branch> # 将master rebase到branch,相当于:
git co <branch> && git rebase master && git co master && git merge <branch>
blame (track changes) #
Use -L
to control which lines to check.