
Classical Music 200

2016-12-27. Category & Tags: Classical, Classic Music, Music

Yet still “popular” classical music. About ≈200 (with “extra"s).
Tip: “Extra” means the item does not always occur when comparing different top ≈200 lists.
Tip: If one item is not listed in TOC neither “extra” label but only bold, it is top ≈100 to ≈200.
Tip: Numbered items: too old, not analyzed, all “extra”.


Gigue/Giga/吉格:巴洛克舞曲,源自英国民间的 Jig 舞曲。
Song cycle/连篇歌曲/“声乐套曲” (声乐作品的一种体裁。含有多首歌曲,各首歌曲或者表达同一主题,或者是抒发作曲家的某一情怀,或者只是统一于同一风格)


g+ digest 更新 2013/07/05

2013-07-05. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [04.07.2013 21:19 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](<p class='attachment_article_content'>Wiktionary RDF extraction. Currently available languages: English, German, French, Russian In the works: Greece, Vietnamese Need data from other languages? Help us creating wrappers for each language editions (if you know Regex, XML and Wiktionary, an initial wrapper can be created in less than ...  


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g+ digest 更新 2013/07/02

2013-07-02. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [01.07.2013 21:38 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](<p class='attachment_article_content'>Your News. Delivered. Stay current. Learn. Get inspired.  


  • [digg reader (fr. gplus)]
digg reader
									[![](<p class='attachment_article_content'>Welcome to Digg  


  • [21.06.2013 15:21 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](<p class='attachment_article_content'>A collection of some simple plugins and pieces of code.  


  • [Reshared post from 李俊: (fr. gplus)]
**[Original Post (fr. gplus)] :**

目前找到的看着最舒服的基于twitter bootstrap的tags manager

									[![](<p class='attachment_article_content'>A tags manager or tags handler or tag input helper to manage tags in a form, it's a jquery plugin for bootstrap.  



g+ digest 更新 2012/12/29

2012-12-29. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [25.12.2012 12:50 (fr. gplus)]
									[<p>Office 2007以后,公式编辑变得比较方便,公式本身不再是OLE对象,而是变 ... 例如 要在对图中的等号进行对齐,可以在需要换行的地方Shift+Enter ...  


  • [21.12.2012 00:06 (fr. gplus)]
									[<p>TCP(7) Linux Programmer's Manual TCP(7). NAME top. tcp - TCP protocol. SYNOPSIS top. #include #include #include tcp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);. DESCRIPTION top. This is an implementatio...  


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g+ digest 更新 2012/11/11

2012-11-11. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [10.11.2012 19:51 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](;container=focus&amp;gadget=a&amp;rewriteMime=image/*&amp;refresh=31536000&amp;resize_h=150&amp;resize_w=150&amp;no_expand=1)<p>今年早些时候,我们报道过微软正在研发的一款“原声”语音翻译软件,它能把用户说的话翻译成其他语言播放出来,同时保留用户本身的口音、音色和语调,听上去就像用户亲口说的一样。今天,微软发布了该软件的最新演示视频,微软首席研究官瑞克•拉希德(Rick Rashid)在视频中利用该软件大秀还算标准的中国普通话。  


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g+ digest 更新 2012/11/07

2012-11-07. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [01.11.2012 11:14 (fr. gplus)]
									[<p>美丽的圣诞节 感恩的心_茵草气息_新浪博客,茵草气息,  


  • [31.10.2012 21:45 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](;container=focus&amp;gadget=a&amp;rewriteMime=image/*&amp;refresh=31536000&amp;resize_h=150&amp;resize_w=150&amp;no_expand=1)<p>The level of measurement refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the attributes for a variable. What does that mean? Begin with the idea of the variable, in this example "part...  


  • [29.10.2012 23:37 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](;container=focus&amp;gadget=a&amp;rewriteMime=image/*&amp;refresh=31536000&amp;resize_h=150&amp;resize_w=150&amp;no_expand=1)<p>耶鲁教授Stephen Stearns致北大学生的一封信


Prof. Sterns是耶鲁大学知名进化生物学家,本学期在北大开设Key Issues in Evolution和Principles of Evolution两门课程,总计40余名学生。在12月初,有一位学生交的期末论文中发现明显剽窃,为此教授公开宣布判此人零分并致函所有同学以示告诫。然而所有论文都递交之后,又发现两人有严重剽窃行为。教授因此非常伤心,致函如下:
To my students in Beijing, Fall 2007:


g+ digest 更新 2012/10/04

2012-10-04. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [03.10.2012 22:51 (fr. gplus)]
									[![](;gadget=a&amp;resize_h=100&amp;url= - One Last Time (Official Video)](  

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g+ digest 更新 2012/09/30

2012-09-30. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [29.09.2012 21:21 (fr. gplus)]

										[![](;gadget=a&amp;resize_h=100&amp;url= ](  
  • [29.09.2012 21:14 (fr. gplus)]
  • [29.09.2012 21:13 (fr. gplus)]
  • [29.09.2012 21:08 (fr. gplus)]

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g+ digest 更新 2012/09/28

2012-09-28. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [27.09.2012 14:37 (fr. gplus)]
									[在網頁中崁入一行code就可以讓你的Samsung galaxy 做Factory Reset(回復原廠設定) » Kevinwatt&#039;s Blog](

										[![](;gadget=a&amp;resize_h=100&amp;url= ](  

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