
g+ digest 更新 2011/10/30

2011-10-30. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[罗卜道士和白菜道士 很久很久以前 옛날 옛적에 罗卜道士和白菜道士 很久很久以前 옛날 옛적에.mp4 javascript:void(0); (fr. gplus)] 罗卜道士和白菜道士 很久很久以前 옛날 옛적에 [罗卜道士和白菜道士 很久很久以前 옛날 옛적에.mp4]( [javascript:void(0);](void(0);) [Have a great weekend everyone! (fr. gplus)] Have a great weekend everyone! :) Here is one brand new night vision work. [Mikko Lagerstedt (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [New (17 valokuvia) (fr. gplus)] ![]( [Good morning GG+ (photos : (fr. gplus)] Good morning GG+ (photos : *Gary McParland*) Plus de photos : [http://www. ...

g+ digest 更新 2011/10/27

2011-10-27. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[samantha vid originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] [samantha vid (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![]( [samantha vid originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] [samantha vid (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![]( [面向大海。。。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] 面向大海。。。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![]( [公知,意领,五毛,脑残,毛粉~必修课教材 Jason C originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] 公知,意领,五毛,脑残,毛粉~必修课教材 [Jason C (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [为首长服务的艺术 (7 photos) (fr. ...

g+ digest 更新 2011/10/19

2011-10-19. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[ (fr. gplus)] ![](*&refresh=31536000&resize_h=120&no_expand=1) Digest powered by RSS Digest

g+ digest 更新 2011/10/13

2011-10-13. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[笑死了 Peggy Li originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] 笑死了 [Peggy Li (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](*&refresh=31536000&resize_h=120&no_expand=1) Digest powered by RSS Digest

g+ digest 2011/10/04

2011-10-04. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[GIT & SVN. (fr. gplus)] GIT & SVN. []( [“52%的黑莓手机用户打算购买iPhone5,让RIM情何以堪 | 36氪” Darren Chuang originally shared this (fr. gplus)] “52%的黑莓手机用户打算购买iPhone5,让RIM情何以堪 | 36氪” [Darren Chuang (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [调查:52%的黑莓手机用户打算购买iPhone5,让RIM情何以堪 | 36氪]( ![](*&refresh=31536000&resize_h=120&no_expand=1) [“ Chrome有望在12月份超过Firefox,成为全球第二大浏览器” Darren Chuang originally shared this p (fr. gplus)] “ Chrome有望在12月份超过Firefox,成为全球第二大浏览器” [Darren Chuang (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Darren Chuang: [戴倫晚報] 2011/9/30]( ![]( [哈佛大學做這種研究,應該是吃飽太閒… (fr. gplus)] 哈佛大學做這種研究,應該是吃飽太閒... [Darren Chuang (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [哈佛研究:美女對男性提神作用好比吸毒-Yahoo! ...

g+ digest 2011/09/23

2011-09-23. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[Google 街景車還真拼命,才剛開放參觀而已,就馬上去拍攝了… (fr. gplus)] Google 街景車還真拼命,才剛開放參觀而已,就馬上去拍攝了... [Briian Tsai (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [大豆剝落殼: 賽德克、巴萊 林口霧社街 巡禮]( ![](*&refresh=31536000&resize_w=150&no_expand=1) [Sunny Sunny originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] [Sunny Sunny (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Publish sync for Google+ &amp; Facebook connected successfully!](</div> [青山看不厌,流水趣何长。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] 青山看不厌,流水趣何长。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![]( [盖朗厄尔峡湾,挪威 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] 盖朗厄尔峡湾,挪威 [左岸 (fr. ...

g+ digest 2011/09/02

2011-09-02. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

PlusFeed to close ## PlusFeed is shutting down Google changed their [pricing for AppEngine]( increasing the costs tenfold, making this free service unsupportable. Sorry! <p> Please grab the open source code from GitHub [here]( and start your own AppSpot instance if you rely on this service. -Russ </div></div> Digest powered by RSS Digest

g+ digest 2011/08/30

2011-08-30. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[Google+ 不仅是社交网络,更是 Google 的身份识别服务 谷奥 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] Google+ 不仅是社交网络,更是 Google 的身份识别服务 [谷奥 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Google+ 不仅是社交网络,更是 Google 的身份识别服务 | 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘]( ![](*&refresh=31536000&resize_w=150&no_expand=1) [唬爛…. (fr. gplus)] 唬爛.... [Briian Tsai (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [iPhone 5 Concept Features]( []( [Egg….. (fr. gplus)] Egg..... [波波 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![]( [渔舟唱晚。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] 渔舟唱晚。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ! ...

g+ digest 2011/08/24

2011-08-24. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

[李开复回答记者提问 记者:您怎么看待百度被央视曝光事件? 李开复:我既不看央视,也不用百度! Tao Liu originally shared th (fr. gplus)] 李开复回答记者提问 记者:您怎么看待百度被央视曝光事件? 李开复:我既不看央视,也不用百度! [Tao Liu (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [@Mobile20:接有关部门通知,VPN软件涉及境外网站非法访问,与翻墙、破网类软件同属禁售品,淘宝网不允许出售相关商品。目前VPN禁售品包括VPN (fr. gplus)] @Mobile20:接有关部门通知,VPN软件涉及境外网站非法访问,与翻墙、破网类软件同属禁售品,淘宝网不允许出售相关商品。目前VPN禁售品包括VPN国内与国外的代理(包括游戏),IP代理、VPN软件等,都在管控范围之内,请广大卖家停止销售并且下架、删除相关VPN商品。[]( 他们终于……下手了…… [贾鹏 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [关于VPN禁售产品的最新通告-诚信防骗居 - 淘宝论坛 - 消费者门户 - 淘宝网](</div> [Mj Shadmehr originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)] [Mj Shadmehr (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![]( [21世紀會是胡適的世紀嗎? (有朋友說,一些連結被封鎖了,我只好重發G+上傳的版本,舊版稍晚可能會移除) 這篇演講很有啟發性,原文很長,看的辛苦,我嘗 (fr. gplus)] 21世紀會是胡適的世紀嗎? (有朋友說,一些連結被封鎖了,我只好重發G+上傳的版本,舊版稍晚可能會移除) 這篇演講很有啟發性,原文很長,看的辛苦,我嘗試轉成聲音檔,然後加上一些胡 適的相關照片,做成一支影片,用聽的應該比較輕鬆。 影片連結:[]( 大陸影片連結:[]( 以下提供相關連結,供大家參考: ...