
Tomato Time Estimation, Time Plan

2016-08-22. Category & Tags: Tomato, Time Management, Write, Read


Action Time Description & Notice
self-archive/publish 1 paper full-text online 2+ tomato 1h+, w/o code, GitHub + RG + Google scholar etc.
converting 1 paper (A4, 2col, 11pages) from MS word to Latex 13 tomato 1 ~ 1.5 day
reading 1 paper (qiqqa) 1 tomato average time for NEW papers, regardless of scanning or deep reading.
scanning 3 papers (qiqqa) 1 tomato judge the paper relative or not, keywords & key procedure & key conclusion, citation points.
deep reading 1 paper (qiqqa) 3 tomatoes at least 3.
self revision of draft > quick mark & correction (real pen) 2 tomatoes 19 pages (w/o bibliography).
self revision of draft > quick apply correction (latex) 4 tomatoes 1 more is needed if also correcting newly found small issues (eg. typo) during quick apply. 19 pages (w/o bibliography).
detailed self revision of draft > mark & correction both structure & language (real pen) 11 tomatoes 26 pages (w/o bibliography). get bored after 5 tomatoes. +7 tomatoes if also some content-wise stuff.
update of GPU draft result section due to exp update > mark & correct & compare with old results x tomatoes boring cuz no big difference, used a lot of time.
update of GPU draft analysis section due to exp results update > mark & correct 10 tomatoes 2 full-text pages. structure & language & compare new results with literature. (kind of rewrite).
SARIMA: math, code, debug and parallel 32 tomatoes fully 4 days; including 5 tomatoes for debugging.
SARIMA: parallel: try & debug 5 tomatoes first time to implement parallel program in R. Did in 3 different ways (doParallel+foreach; parallel+, eg.parApply; techila).
Techila* platform: usage basics, try examples, implement my solution & debug 19 tomatoes 1 tomato to install; 3 tomatoes to try different official examples and to decide solution:foreach(); 5 tomatoes to learn & implement my solution using foreach(); 9 tomatoes to debug Techila’s own problems (eg. how to use lib, how to upload data in tricky way); have not tried to use Techila’s own way to upload data.

[Techila] Good doc, very easy to follow the manual/tutorial to start the official examples in Google Cloud Platform, but needs some time to make own solution to run.
