
Mount Pendrive Hard-drive in Nix

2017-08-28. Category & Tags: Nix, Mount


# ntfs:
apt install ntfs-3g

# exfat:
apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils


sudo blkid
sudo fdisk -l


sudo mkdir /mnt/usb
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

Nix Linux Distribution Comparison, Timeline and Relationship

2016-07-13. Category & Tags: Nix, Linux, Distro, Distributions

Main branches directly from linux kernels:

  1. Debian, (K)Ubuntu/Deepin …
  2. RedHat, CentOS, Fedora …
  3. Slackware, Suse, OpenSuse (Leap vs. Tumbleweed) …
  4. Arch, Manjaro …
  5. Android …

RHEL = Red Hat (Inc.) Enterprise Linux
SLE = SUSE Linux Enterprise
openSUSE Leap <–> CentOS(Rocky Linux)
openSUSE Tumbleweed <–> Fedora

Sizes Just After Installation (Disk & RAM) #

OS Installation
DISK size en (GB)
DISK size cn (GB)
Deepin 20.4 ? 6.5 .75 深度. Debian + DDE, the Deepin Desktop Environment based on QT.
Kubuntu 1804 ? 8.3 .81
Kylin 1804 6.9 6.7 1.0
Xubuntu 1804 5.4 6.1 .62
Lubuntu 1804 5.3 5.6 .55 LXDE/LXQT, min GUI: Pentium 4 1.3G CPU + 512MB RAM.
Ubuntu 1804 ? 8.1 1.0
Ubuntu 2004 ? 8.6 .88
Kylin 2004 ? 13 1.9 Ready to go in CN, default Sogou IM
Manjaro 21.2.4 ? 5.9 .67 Arch based. Easy to use + LTS. Fast installation.
ReactOS Not nix, but like open source windows, mimicing windows server 2003.

Choosing a Distribution #

Big Picture Here (3000*2116)
ref 2015, src (2015)


SSH In Case Of

2016-05-18. Category & Tags: Nix, Linux, SSH

Note: Putty officially recommends to use Bitvise SSH Client & Server.
See also Powershell.

Sudo #

sudo without passwd

vim /etc/sudoers
# or
sudoedit /etc/sudoers

modify ALL=(ALL) ALL to ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL (i.e. add NOPASSWD: before the last ALL), e.g. %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

SSHD Config > Less Time #

Add two commands to avoid long time before asking passwords:

GSSAPIAuthentication no
UseDNS no

GSS API is alternative to SSH-keys

SSHD Config > More Security #

Change to get high security by using key auth only:


Screen, Tmux, Window, Session

2015-12-09. Category & Tags: Nix, Soft&amp;Skills Nix, Soft&amp;Skills

Screen #

CMD Description
screen -ls list all ( format: pid.session_name )
screen create session
screen -S session_name create session with name
screen -r session_name re-attach
screen -dr session_name de- & re- attach /_ force detach and then attach, use this when previous attachment is dropped due to network failure _/
screen -wipe remove dead
kill <pid> kill session
killall screen kill all
C+a , C+d detach
C+a, [ / Esc, C+u / C+d scroll half a page ref
C+a, [ / Esc, Page Up /Down scroll a full page (cursor up/down is moving the cursor)
NA switch session //can NOT find a good method

screen windows (tabs) #

  • C+a , c create new window
  • C+a , A set window name
  • C+a , w window list
  • C+a , " choose window
  • C+a , d detach window
  • C+a , ? help
  • C+a , [ copy: move cursor & press ENTER, move & select, ENTER to copy to buffer
  • C+a , ] paste from buffer
  • C+a , n window next
  • C+a , p window previous
  • C+a , 2 switch to window no. 2
  • C+a , C+a switch to the window that you just left

Tmux #


Boot to text console terminal mode [Ubuntu Kubuntu Nix Linux]

2015-09-08. Category & Tags: Nix Nix

Once #

shift / esc to menu , then ’e’ to modify boot option, change “quiet splash” to “text”, F10 / Ctrl+x to continue boot.

Always #

#> sudo su

#> vi /etc/default/grub

comment out: # GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"

add:                      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="text"

Uncomment : GRUB_TERMINAL=console

#> sudo update-grub

PHP In Case Of

2013-07-24. Category & Tags: Nix, Soft&amp;Skills Nix, Soft&amp;Skills

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() #

apt-get / yum search mbstring ; apt-get / yum install php-mbstring ...


Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreate() #

and it takes a lot of time to upload a image.

apt-get install php5-gd


Warning: It is not safe to rely on the system’s timezone settings #

Solution: modify php.ini:

date.timezone = Asia/Shanghai


Set Include Path in PHP File #

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);



[bak] Sar 监控命令小览

2012-03-07. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&amp;Skills Bak, Nix, Linux, Leading, Soft&amp;Skills

see also jlevy/the-art-of-command-line (multi-language)

