
MathType (Equation 公式编辑器) How-To

2012-09-28. Category & Tags: Soft&Skills Soft&Skills

How to use mathtype: 1. Let there be green. # run !)MathTypePortable.exe and click the left button “安装”. give any require a “pass”. wait 10 sec. done, you could close the window now. 2. run the main executable MathType.exe. enjoy! # PS: 1. you could paste your latex equation text directly into MathType’s window. 2. you could get the latex text by copying. (need to config Preferences -> Cut and Copy Preferences first). ...


2012-09-25. Category & Tags: Soft&Skills Soft&Skills

我有俩Gmail的邮箱, A和B。 在thunderbird里面选择A发送时,收到者看到的是B发送的。 感觉是TB的问题,各种找设置,无果。bug?升级,没用。 使用gmail的C邮箱发信测试,没问题。 难道是因为我配置TB的时候的顺序问题?但这个测试耗费时间太长,太麻烦。 突然想起还有一个可能,gmail的设置。 我在A的google账户配置中,默认使用B帐号发信,测试,果然是因为这个设置。 结论:如果B帐号允许A帐号以B的身份(地址)发信,且在A中默认使用B发信,则客户端的发信地址A会被google的服务器替换为B。这样,发信时看不出问题,但是收信者看到的是B地址。

Matlab In Case Of

2012-08-31. Category & Tags: Soft&Skills Soft&Skills

1. matlab中gradient函数求f=2x2+3y3的梯度的实例 # matlab中gradient函数求f=2x2+3y3的梯度的实例如下: 在上MATLAB课的时候,有学生问怎么用gradient函数求f=2x2+3y3的梯度啊,不懂得怎么写格式,试了很多次都不行.解答如下: 在MATALB中,求梯度只能是求数值梯度,所以必须将函数f离散化,用差分代替微分,精度取决于差分步长,因为现在计算机速度足够快,所以差分可以取得足够小,也不影响计算速度和计算精度.方法如下: >>X=-6:0.6:6; %计算区间是[-6 6],步长0.6 >>Y=X; >>[x,y]=meshgrid(X,Y) %生成计算网格 >>f=2.*x.^2+3.*y.^3 %计算网格结点上的函数值 >>[Dx,Dy]=gradient(f) %用数值方法求函数梯度 >>quiver(X,Y,Dx,Dy) %用矢量绘图函数绘出梯度矢量大小分布 >>hold on >>contour(X,Y,f) %与梯度值对应,绘出原函数的等值线图 2. Using errorbar() with semilogy() in MATLAB? # h = errorbar(x,y,ebar); set(get(h,'Parent'), 'XScale', 'log') `</pre> or <pre>`ax = axes(); errorbar(ax, x,y,ebar); set(ax, 'XScale', 'log'); 3. Multi y axis # [](

计算机领域学习路线图 roadmap

2012-07-09. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&amp;Skills Leading, Soft&amp;Skills

1. 计算机领域学习路线图 # from: ![]( 目标 # 帮助计算机领域的初学者, 从零开始, 一步步成为一个靠谱的计算机领域的专家. 这里面只包含偏软件的部分. 我们需要达成以下目标: 了解计算机领域的基础知识. 对背景的了解是基础. 拥有计算机科学家的思维和解决问题的能力 能编程! 编程是我们解决问题的主要方式. 使用开源系统, 加入到开源社区中去 计算机基础课程学习 # 想要学习计算机领域的基础知识, 我选择使用mit公开课里面的内容. 下面我挑了一些必读课程: 入门课程. 6.00 入门课. 6.001 老牌入门课. 6.087 C语言是必须要掌握的.. 6.189 python也是必须要掌握的. 基础课程. 6.042J 恩, 一些计算机领域必须的数学基础. 6.046J 算法基础. 6.002 计算机组成原理. 6.828 操作系统 6.035 编译原理. 网络部分. 6.033 Computer System Engineering 6.171 Software Engineering for Web Applications 上面是必读, 当然还有其他的课程, 感兴趣可以学学, 都在: 可做和必做事项 # 下面我整理了一些必须做和可做的事情, 我觉得它们对于提高实力非常重要. 开源社区 安装和使用linux, 在linux上面做开发 ...

PHP in case of

2012-05-26. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

skills: # shortcut of “echo”: <?=$foo?> phpMyadmin timeout / maxlifttime / cookie validity: # ref: vim /etc/phpmyadmin/ : add: $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘LoginCookieValidity’] = 60 * 60 * 4; //4 hours vim /etc/php5/cli/php.ini : modify: session.gc_maxlifetime = 14400

Mysql in Case of

2012-05-19. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

Add / Create a User: # CREATE USER &lt;userName&gt;@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "&lt;newPassWd&gt;"; CREATE DATABASE &lt;newDbName&gt; DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL ON &lt;newDbName&gt;.* TO &lt;userName&gt;@localhost; Super PRIVILEGES: GRANT ALL <span style="text-decoration: underline;">PRIVILEGES</span> ON *.* TO &lt;userName&gt;@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION; Revoke: REVOKE INSERT ON *.* FROM &lt;userName&gt;@localhost; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM &lt;userName&gt;@localhost; Reset the password: # SET PASSWORD FOR &lt;userName&gt;@localhost = PASSWORD('&lt;newPassWd&gt;'); reset root password: ...

Wireshark How-to

2012-05-16. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

see also tcpdump Install Wireshark # sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable sudo apt update sudo apt install wireshark Config For Non-Root (Normal) Users # for 1 user # chgrp ats /usr/bin/dumpcap chmod 4750 /usr/bin/dumpcap # chmod u+s for a user group # groupadd wireshark usermod -a -G wireshark userName1 chgrp wireshark /usr/bin/dumpcap chmod 4750 /usr/bin/dumpcap ref:

NFS How-To

2012-05-11. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills, NFS, NFSD

Update: 2017-01-06 Warn 1: for non-English, use samba/sshfs instead. unless win has NFS v4 or above which can solve non-UTF8 problems. Warn 2: svchost consumes 1.5GB ram, don’t know why. See Also Links SSHFS/SFTP CIFS/SMB/Samba OBS # Combining simlink (ln -s) with NFS may cause weird file path problems. We tried to have a link at NFS to Dropbox in nfs, also tried to have a link at home to mount point at /mnt. ...

How To Set Up PC as a Router / Bridge in Different OS's

2012-04-24. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

See also: /iptables FreeBsd 7 Local Router (Like a Switch ???) # (local only, no NAT) vim /etc/rc.conf ifconfig_em0="inet netmask" ifconfig_em1="inet netmask" notice: will get route problem if using the same net-addr. permanent # vim /etc/sysctl.conf net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 # reboot temp sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 # or echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward // problem: ping test: could get reply since icmp packet 113. where are the first 112 packets??? FreeBsd 7 Bridge # ref: shaper freeBsd-v7 : bridge ...

mod_apache_snmp, net-SNMP (给apache2添加SNMP支持)

2012-04-18. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&amp;Skills Leading, Soft&amp;Skills

Tested on platform: # vmware Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-38-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:13:04 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu; DISTRIB_RELEASE=10.04; DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=“Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS” httpd-2.0.64.tar.bz2; net-snmp-5.4.4; mod_ap2_snmp_1.04. sudo -s; apt-get remove lamp-server^ snmpd # if you have already installed apache or snmp-server. Just do it: # (below is a summary) 1) Install Apache Web Server with DSO support enabled. ./configure --enable-so; make; make install 2) Unzip NET-SNMP sources. 3) Unzip Mod-APACHE-SNMP sources. ...