
Study Music

2011-11-26. Category & Tags: Others Others

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Guake Drop Down Terminal

2011-11-25. Category & Tags: Others Others

Guake is a drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment, so you just need to press a key to invoke him, and press again to hide. Guake supports hotkeys, tabs, background transparent, etc.

Lady Gaga

2011-11-24. Category & Tags: Others Others

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史上最強山寨 iPhone4 殺到

2011-11-20. Category & Tags: Others Others

蘋果動新聞: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/art_main.php?iss_id=20110109amp… 【本報訊】「唔係嘛,呢部係假機?」蘋果 iPhone 4 去年中推出後全球熱捧,神通廣大的內地山寨廠商最近研發出外形仿真度 100% 、堪稱史上最強的山寨版 iPhone 4 ,連蘋果電腦總裁喬布斯( Steve Jobs )引以為傲的 9.3 毫米超薄機身也做到分毫不差,操作平台幾可亂真,更能 Wi-Fi 上網,售價僅 1,280 元人民幣,只及正貨四分一。有港人近日大手購入高仿 iPhone 4 ,不排除這類超強山寨機已殺入香港。記者:梁曙光、陳達浩、黃偉民