“if you plan to use deep learning extensively (>150 hrs/mo), building your own deep learning workstation might be the right move.” [medium]
Baidu AI Studio (only for PaddlePaddle) Paperspace (cooperating with fast.ai) Google Colab (cooperating with fast.ai) vast.ai (C2C/P2P sharing, very cheap, a lot of time to init/load/unload) Kaggle (max 6h, good GPU but complex steps to use) MS Azure Amazon FloydHub (special CLI interface) ref:
CN intro: Paperspace vs. Colab, 2019 Best Deals in Deep Learning Cloud Providers, 2018 比较云GPU平台
See simple DEF & code in 邱锡鹏 教授 2020 神经网络与深度学习.
Read also:
A 20-Year Community Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Research in the US - 109 pages, AAAI. (CN intro: 美国人工智能研究的 20 年社区路线图(讨论稿)) Best Paper Awards in Computer Science (since 1996) (cn: DataWhale) AI Benchmark: web, cn intro Cheatsheets AI 最全干货超级大列表,100+ 张速查表全了! (github) 热心网友推荐真正有价值的机器学习课程 Papers with code/data: AI 研习社 paper.yanxishe.com PapersWithCode.com (highly automated), esp. SotaBench.com (CN intro) g/zziz/pwc DatasetList.com by Nikola for CV, NLP, self-driving. DEFs Relation Overview
Most terminologies have been defined well, except “data mining” as the biggest concept.