每周总结 Week43 2012-10-29
上周还不错 ~~ 加油 ~ ronneby的 … 是鸭子么??? 看到尾巴上的卷了没, 呵呵 看到落叶反光了么, 翩翩落下, 闪闪发光 ~~ , 闪闪发光 ~~
上周还不错 ~~ 加油 ~ ronneby的 … 是鸭子么??? 看到尾巴上的卷了没, 呵呵 看到落叶反光了么, 翩翩落下, 闪闪发光 ~~ , 闪闪发光 ~~
我要恢复8小时工作制 …. 上周一周二老师病了, 瑞典语效率明显就下了. 然后这周五小考, 月底大考. 祝我们考试顺利吧 ~~
充实了一些. 不过下周要完蛋了, 头晕了好几天 … 晕倒这篇日志都忘了写 … 想起了当年在法学院自习室 audio else-where
感冒了,难受。。。 为啥每周都有计划外的事情。。。 555 ~~~
上个星期 。。。 好复杂 。。。。星期五早晨就根本没睡醒 。。。 周末去ronneby玩了,bca的烧烤。感觉肉吃多了 。。。。 越来越冷了,可能以后见不到天鹅了,最近一周都没看到了。
美女老师从法国度假回来了~~~ 初定11月论文答辩~ 这些小家伙羽毛越来越白了。细看起来,下层新毛都是白的,就等换毛了~~
上周玩得玩了不少, 也学到了不少, 谢谢老蒋~~ 昨天 godaddy被黑内部故障(http://x.co/gdupdate)导致我的数据库无法连接, 汗啊 …. 算是被godaddy吓着了, 以后从部分备份改成全面备份 ~~ **NOTICE... .** At 10:25 am PT, GoDaddy.com and associated customer services experienced intermittent outages. Services began to be restored for the bulk of affected customers at 2:43 pm PT. **At no time was any sensitive customer information, such as credit card data, passwords or names and addresses, compromised.**We will provide an additional update within the next 24 hours. We want to thank our customers for their patience and support. ...
停了两周,重新开始跑步~ (为啥有时候走路更伤脚筋。。。)
from: http://www.facebook.com/frs709/ This is a joke I got from my friend: The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as ‘Euro-English’. In the first year, ’s’ will replace the soft ‘c’. ...
1. 某些事儿很郁闷 。。。那就散散心吧 ~~ 2. 论文很不好写的说。。。