
计算机领域学习路线图 roadmap

2012-07-09. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&Skills Leading, Soft&Skills

1. 计算机领域学习路线图 # from: http://goo.gl/RZtPC ![http://ocw.mit.edu/images/logo-ocw-home_new.gif](http://ocw.mit.edu/images/logo-ocw-home_new.gif) 目标 # 帮助计算机领域的初学者, 从零开始, 一步步成为一个靠谱的计算机领域的专家. 这里面只包含偏软件的部分. 我们需要达成以下目标: 了解计算机领域的基础知识. 对背景的了解是基础. 拥有计算机科学家的思维和解决问题的能力 能编程! 编程是我们解决问题的主要方式. 使用开源系统, 加入到开源社区中去 计算机基础课程学习 # 想要学习计算机领域的基础知识, 我选择使用mit公开课里面的内容. 下面我挑了一些必读课程: 入门课程. 6.00 入门课. 6.001 老牌入门课. 6.087 C语言是必须要掌握的.. 6.189 python也是必须要掌握的. 基础课程. 6.042J 恩, 一些计算机领域必须的数学基础. 6.046J 算法基础. 6.002 计算机组成原理. 6.828 操作系统 6.035 编译原理. 网络部分. 6.033 Computer System Engineering 6.171 Software Engineering for Web Applications 上面是必读, 当然还有其他的课程, 感兴趣可以学学, 都在: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/ 可做和必做事项 # 下面我整理了一些必须做和可做的事情, 我觉得它们对于提高实力非常重要. 开源社区 安装和使用linux, 在linux上面做开发 ...

mod_apache_snmp, net-SNMP (给apache2添加SNMP支持)

2012-04-18. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&Skills Leading, Soft&Skills

Tested on platform: # vmware Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-38-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:13:04 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu; DISTRIB_RELEASE=10.04; DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=“Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS” httpd-2.0.64.tar.bz2; net-snmp-5.4.4; mod_ap2_snmp_1.04. sudo -s; apt-get remove lamp-server^ snmpd # if you have already installed apache or snmp-server. Just do it: # http://mod-apache-snmp.sourceforge.net/english/docs.htm (below is a summary) 1) Install Apache Web Server with DSO support enabled. ./configure --enable-so; make; make install 2) Unzip NET-SNMP sources. 3) Unzip Mod-APACHE-SNMP sources. ...

ubuntu 7 install vmware tools

2012-04-16. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&Skills Leading, Soft&Skills

The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary. Would you like to change it? [yes] when typed in "/usr/bin/gcc" manually, The path "/usr/bin/gcc" is not valid path to the gcc binary. Would you like to change it? [yes] I found solution: http://superuser.com/questions/192047/gcc-path-not-valid-when-installing-vmware-tools-from-vmware-workstation-7-1-1-bu ie: sudo apt-get install linux-source linux-headers-uname -r libglib2.0-0 // Got “If you wish to have the shared folders feature, you can install the driver by running vmware-config-tools. ...


2012-03-22. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&Skills Leading, Soft&Skills

ref: networkquestions.org Note: Putty officially recommends to use Bitvise SSH Client & Server. 终端默认是使用windows的编码方式(GBK),我们需要手动改为UTF-8 再次重启的时候就不会是乱码了: [root@mail ~]# service httpd restart 停止 httpd: [确定] 启动 httpd: [确定] [root@mail ~]# 这是终端的乱码问题,再说一下打开中文文件乱码问题。 在很多的配置文件中,含有中文,用vi打开时也是会乱码。首先我们系统中要有中文语言显示包(fonts-chinese),否则改为UTF-8也是会乱码。 [root@mail ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n LANG=”zh_CN.UTF-8″ [root@mail ~]# 上面的设置,系统语言为中文,如果想改为英文的话,替换为: LANG=”en_US.UTF-8″ 保存即可。 临时性改变语言:export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 echo $LANG //查看语言 另一个: ref: ylmf.net 字符乱码: 在window-〉Appearance-〉Translation中,Received data assumed to be in which character set 中,把Use font encoding改为UTF-8. 如果经常使用,把这些设置保存在session里面. /* 下面的有待研究 …. 登录成功后,在shell中输入:export LC_ALL=‘zh_CN.utf8’,现在已经可以完美的支持中文了. 打开putty主程序,选择window-〉Appearance-〉Font settings-〉Change…,选择Fixedsys字体,字符集选择CHINESE_GB2312。 默认情况下,putty对中文的支持却让人不敢恭维,如果远程linux的locale设置为zh_CN.*(bg2312,gbk,utf8等等),显示就是乱码。经研究发现,其实putty的中文支持还是很好的,呵呵 ...

[bak] Sar 监控命令小览

2012-03-07. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&Skills Bak, Nix, Linux, Leading, Soft&Skills

see also jlevy/the-art-of-command-line (multi-language) from: qa.taobao.com 最近接触了下淘宝的性能框架PAP,觉得系统中的监控真的做的很不错,但是非pap运行的程序,则无法监控,同时也查了下淘宝性能百科对监控命令Sar介绍,觉得讲的比较粗,这里把自己以前用过的Sar监控分享下;有问题,大家共勉哈!

System/Network Measuring/Monitoring Theory & Tools

2012-03-07. Category & Tags: Leading, Soft&Skills Leading, Soft&Skills, Measurement, 系统, 网络, 监控, 测量

See also: Network Hardware - Fiber: /fiber. NMAP: /nmap. Private IPv4 Network & Rnages # ( - ); ( - ); ( - ) ref: 内网 IP 段有哪些 Tools # trace route # mtr (my traceroute / traceroute 2.0) real-time speed # bmon (graph); multi-interface nload (graph) unit : (k)bit min, max, avg, total (avg is the same as nethogs) slurm (graph); slurm **-i** wlan0\* nethogs sudo nethogs wlan0 pid, user, program CPU-consuming (stable, the same as avg of nload) ifstat scrolling text iftop (current graph) [speed per connection] nic is needed, otherwise wired by default. ...


2012-02-09. Category & Tags: Leading, Life, Others DailyStudy, Jobb, Leading, Life, Others, Stefanie

http://emuch.net/html/201004/1951179.html 如果说本科期间我拓宽了一下知识面算是个收获的理由,那么这一年半我真是对不起我自己了. 还有半年,我能做的就是"struggle for success"了,向这个女生学习. 也向zq和那个泰国人借鉴"just do it"的优点. 还有半年, 半年后我是谁? 我有我的plan 立此存照 的plan 立此存照 nbsp;

eric crash

2012-02-05. Category & Tags: Leading, Py Leading, Py

ubuntu 11.10 64bit. eric4 启动后窗口一闪即告崩溃。 命令窗口启动发现: Connected to accessibility bus at: “unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-5rwqiiCSZ1,guid=a3330f45019a77c867e77525000000a2” Registered DEC: true sudo 正常启动,无此提示,因此怀疑是环境变量的问题。 g后发现: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1861605 即: export QT_ACCESSIBILITY=0 问题解决。 ps: Accessibility in Qt # by Geir Vattekar Accessibility in computer software is the practice of making applications usable for people with disabilities. This can be implemented by the application itself — for instance, by using a high-contrast user interface with specially selected colors and fonts — or by providing support for external tools, such as screen readers and Braille displays. ...

小企鹅fcitx输入法安装, 中文gnome,英文kde

2012-01-14. Category & Tags: Leading, Life Leading, Life

Ubuntu 18.04 # The default ibus-based Chinese input method is ready to use. Thus, just change the language & input settings. Kubuntu # For Kubuntu 18.04, it is a good way to install fcitx-based methods. sudo -s apt install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin cat >>/etc/environment <<EOD GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx EOD 设置》启动》添加自启动项(startup): fcitx -d Xubuntu 在 开始菜单》所有设置 里面。 Lubuntu 在 开始菜单》Preferences->Default applications for LXSession (建议默认英文输入法) 重新登录后,Ctrl + 空格可以调用输入法,shift 切换中英文。 dated below # ubuntu 11. ...