Tested version option: R 4.2.2, Bibliometrix 4.0.1 (current version 2022-12-01).
See video tutorials on bilibili: 13min etc.
Other software: CiteSpace/VOSviewer/bibliometrix;
Install the “bibliometrix” r package:
For Bibliometrix v4 (Windows binary):
install.packages( c("bibliometrix"), type="win.binary")
Dependencies will be installed.
If type is not specified, you will be asked, and choose no:
Then restart RStudio, and run biblioshiny:
library(bibliometrix); biblioshiny()
which shows a locl web (v3 & v4):
See also time plan by tomato-timing.
Variable Names
several types:
var name in paper, usually single char, e.g. $d$. col name in df/dt, usually several words, e.g. “search_step”. human readable string, e.g. “Search Step Length”. other variables in R/Py, e.g. t_searchStep, algorithmSetup$searchStepLengthListing. Linguistic & Journals Tools
English colocations (搭配): Linggle.com & NetSpeak.org & Writefull & Grammarly English Corpus (inc.colocates ) (语料库) Contemporary American English & British National Corpus (BYU-BNC) (see ref-Corpus for usages !
NOTE: this article is dated, please use Zotero plugins.
1. Import Resources
“over-write”, if asked.
2. Insert Citation
3. Append Bibliography
4. Known Issues
4.1. Delete Extra Items
MS will not delete the extra items (not cited items) automatically.
Make sure that your thesis is the final version, then you could delete the extra bib items.
References > Manage > Select (on the right hand) > Delete.
文章结束(\end{document})前 加入:
\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \bibliography{references_filename} 其中 references_filename 是文件名, 指同文件夹下的 references_filename.bib.
.bib 文件格式为:
@BOOK{testBook, author={Everett, G. and McLeod, R.}, title={Software Testing(Testing Across the Entire Software Development Life Cycle)},</pre> year={2006}, month={3}, volume={}, number={}, pages={345}, keywords={}, doi={}, ISSN={},} OBS 注意, 这里不是"booktitle", 是"title" 有些类型(例如INPROCEEDINGS)需要用"booktitle", 不同的时候需要不同的关键词.
然后依次运行:** latex 编译 > bibtex 编译 > latex 编译 > latex 编译** (注意, 一共三次 latex 编译).
如果 dvi/pdf 文件不是你想要的结果, 请一定要删除程序生成的中间文件和临时文件(不是自己编辑的都删除,包括 dvi/pdf), 然后再次运行以上四个命令.
f), 然后再次运行以上四个命令.