
Comparison of Programming Fonts - Fantasque vs Dejavu vs Mononoki vs Inconsolata

2016-06-30. Category & Tags: Programming, Font, DejaVu Sans Mono, Mononoki, Fantasque Sans Mono

Before comparison, we need to know that the following sizes are roughly the same: dejavu09 vs mononoki10 vs inconsolata10

Dejavu #

If you are looking at this page, you know coding.
If you know coding, you should know Dejavu.
Thus, I will skip the intro for it.

Mononoki #

  • looks similar like dejavu, but its punctuation is much bigger and easier to see. // may draw mroe attention than code ???
  • mononoki10 is the same size of dejavu09, but mononoki11 is longer than dejavu10.
  • trying to use all space, thus, even mononoki10 is the same size of dejavu09, it is a slightly bigger.
  • some minor differences: digits 0 & 1, char g.
  • the punctuation symbols may touch each other, but the charaters never touch each other, which is a reversed situation compared wit dejavu.

Themes (Screen Captures) #

nightfall dejavu 09 vs. mononoki 10:
programming fonts nightfall dejavu 09 vs. mononoki 10
