
Notes of Practical Machine Learning (Coursera PML)

2016-06-28. Category & Tags: Practical Machine Learning, PML, R, Notes, Coursera, Johns Hopkins University, Data.table, DT

It has been a long time since I started using R. Recently, I found some old notes, and I prefer to put it in digital archive, this blog post is to achieve the purpose. DT (data.table) # data.table cheat sheet This data.table (DT) instruction is also available on my github, ispiared by this ref //TODO # //TODO: summarize Solve common R problems efficiently with data.table which is must-read. backup //TODO: summarize High-performance Solution in R ...

CUDA C++ Programming

2016-06-13. Category & Tags: CUDA, Coursera

See also: Cuda Installation & GPU-Based Deep Learning System Monitoring ways of parallel computing in R //TODO: study & summarize Map, Gather, Scatter etc. //TODO: see also the notes for campus’ students assignments. Coursera Course Notes: _GPU notes.docx Code: github, or desktop search “gpu assignments”. Compared with “knn-r-project.Rproj”, “knn_cuda.vcxproj” is at least 6k times faster for almost exactly the same job. (diff: data cleaned; windowSize added.) One reason is the R project was using data. ...