See also:
Machine Learning Books 3Blue1Brown / 3B1B videos on Bilibili & Youtube Note: The following books are more introductory than professional, but usually enough for most engineers.
Linear Algebra
Sheldon Axler 《Linear Algebra Done Right / 线性代数应该这样学》(以线性变换为中心) [豆瓣 8.8,184 人],图灵社区出品,人民邮电出版社; supplementary videos (English subtitle) on Youtube and Bilibili; slides; Errata. 适合于上课后听不懂的二次自学。
麻省理工 Gilbert Strang “线性代数 MIT 18.06”(网易公开课有翻译) & 教材 《Introduction to Linear Algebra 线性代数》 [第五版 豆瓣 9.5,71 人] 清华大学出版社。 Videos (中英双字幕) on Bilibili & Youtube with Newly added content in 2020。 Strang 教授另有一本《Linear Algebra and Its Applications》,内容差不多。
See also:
Machine Learning - Just-do-it (hands on) Basics Math Books Favoured
DSML (Kroese, Botev - Chapman Press 2019) Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods. With public datasets, code and pdf online. NNDL (Michael Nielsen 2016 邱锡鹏(译) 2020.06) Keywords: CNN, RNN, Attention, Gaussian Mix., RBM, DBN, GAN, RL, TF, PyTorch: equation, pseudocode, exercise … 公开了所有代码等内容的(中文)电子书。 PDF, PPT, code, exercise & solution, etc.
MLAPP (Kevin Murphy), Machine Learning - A Probablistic Perspective, is more comprehensive, insightful and interesting, and contains more “real” examples/problems.
This is a detailed reproduction of ref.
Sunny Summary
3 steps: preprocessing to extract: author, average sentence length, average word length, punctuation profile, sentiment scores, part-of-speech profiles/tags (only in code, not taken into the csv). content-wise k-means clustering (on TFIDF scores) to get: 3 levels/degrees of clustering/classification results. knn search on the results of step 1 and 2 to get: recommendations (k=15 by default). Preprocessing
pip2 install nltk pip2 install twython # optional ?