
那些缩略词们,那些词汇们. abbr abbreviation

2013-04-20. Category & Tags: Soft&Skills Soft&Skills

理解记忆岂不更好~~ a: Anchor; href: Http REFerence; ol: Ordered List; ul: Un-ordered List; tr: Table Row; thead: Table Head; th: Table Head-data; td: Table Data; colspan: COLumn SPAN; rel: relationship; <em>: emphasis; font-size: 0.5em: equivalent measurement. adj. [印]全身长(或宽)的(印刷符号). Courier: 急差; Cursive: 草书; palette: 调色板; serif: 衬线, 例如TimesNewRoman的字符们; sans: = without; 其他很熟悉的: css: Cascading Style Sheets;

诡异的无线路由掉线 [wireless] [router] [arp]

2013-04-08. Category & Tags: Leading, Life, Soft&amp;Skills Leading, Life, Soft&amp;Skills

最近家里用本本无线, 但是总掉线, 刚开始以为是路由问题, 重启, 好了, 但是太麻烦, 而且很频繁. 后来偶然发现本本掉线之后 (但是显示还有连接), 手动重连即可. 问题是这个毛病太频繁了, 平时在学校没事儿, 回家之后很烦. 受不了, 于是wireshark, 发现路由很奇怪地不回答arp询问, 导致动态arp的cache过期之后本本找不到gateway的mac地址, 无法送出数据包. 但是此时尚可以接收数据包, 这也可能是为什么skype或者其他云服务之类发现"自己"off-line会滞后于错误的实际发生时间. 虽然不知道是不是路由的问题 (已经从dd-wrt返回出场状态, 不过依然不能解决问题), 总有办法bypass, 就是static arp. xp中使用 arp -s 68-7f-74-b0-f8-ab 可以设置静态arp, 但是在windows 7却得到 “The ARP entry addition failed: Access is denied.” ms官方论坛没有细说, 但给出netsh方案. stackoverflow 给出: netsh interface ip add neighbors <interface-name> <peer-ip> <peer-mac> 例如: netsh interface ip add neighbors “Wireless Network Connection” 69-7f-ff-bf-f8-gb 但是错误提示: cannot load ipmontr.dll …. 我了个去 … ...


2013-03-21. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

Usage: # general usage: rsync -avhuzP /path/to/src_folder/ username@serverIp:/home/username/path/to/dest_folder/ # other usages: alias rsyncBackupCompareAttr='rsync -avhuz --progress --delete --log-file=rsyncBackupLog.txt' alias rsyncBackupIgnoreAttr='rsync -avhuz --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --progress --delete --log-file=rsyncBackupLog.txt' -a: archive mode is -rlptgoD (no -A,-X,-U,-N,-H). -v: == --verbose. -h: human-readable. -u: transfer only if src has (newer timestamp) or (equal timestamp & different size). -z: == --compress during transfer. -P: == --partial --progress. --partial: keep partially transfered files in dest (will overwrite/delete.&.re-transfer by default). ...

Chrome In Case Of

2012-11-17. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

Change/Modify/Reset Translate Config # Modify file: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences Now can be done in Chrome settings. Clear DNS Host Cache # chrome://net-internals/#dns

bib format

2012-11-07. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

web site/page # @electronic{MetacafeURL, title = {Metacafe}, url = "", } white paper: # @inproceedings{inproceedingsWhite, author = {John Doe}, **title = {Full Reference metrics},** month = {Apr}, year = {9999}, **type = {White Paper},** **note = {{AccepTV}},** url = {} } title, type, note (company/association) are mandatory. (IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf -> [59]) notice: use** double curly braces {{ }} for notes to have the capital beginning letter.

MicroSoft (MS) Office Citation/Bibliography - How To

2012-11-07. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills, LaTex, BibLatex, Citation, Paper, Writing, Research

NOTE: this article is dated, please use Zotero plugins. 1. Import Resources # “over-write”, if asked. 2. Insert Citation # 3. Append Bibliography # 4. Known Issues # 4.1. Delete Extra Items # MS will not delete the extra items (not cited items) automatically. Make sure that your thesis is the final version, then you could delete the extra bib items. References > Manage > Select (on the right hand) > Delete. ...

MathType (Equation 公式编辑器) How-To

2012-09-28. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

How to use mathtype: 1. Let there be green. # run !)MathTypePortable.exe and click the left button “安装”. give any require a “pass”. wait 10 sec. done, you could close the window now. 2. run the main executable MathType.exe. enjoy! # PS: 1. you could paste your latex equation text directly into MathType’s window. 2. you could get the latex text by copying. (need to config Preferences -> Cut and Copy Preferences first). ...


2012-09-25. Category & Tags: Soft&amp;Skills Soft&amp;Skills

我有俩Gmail的邮箱, A和B。 在thunderbird里面选择A发送时,收到者看到的是B发送的。 感觉是TB的问题,各种找设置,无果。bug?升级,没用。 使用gmail的C邮箱发信测试,没问题。 难道是因为我配置TB的时候的顺序问题?但这个测试耗费时间太长,太麻烦。 突然想起还有一个可能,gmail的设置。 我在A的google账户配置中,默认使用B帐号发信,测试,果然是因为这个设置。 结论:如果B帐号允许A帐号以B的身份(地址)发信,且在A中默认使用B发信,则客户端的发信地址A会被google的服务器替换为B。这样,发信时看不出问题,但是收信者看到的是B地址。