a: Anchor;
href: Http REFerence;
ol: Ordered List;
ul: Un-ordered List;
tr: Table Row;
thead: Table Head;
th: Table Head-data;
td: Table Data;
colspan: COLumn SPAN;
rel: relationship;
<em>: emphasis;
font-size: 0.5em: equivalent measurement. adj. [印]全身长(或宽)的(印刷符号).
Courier: 急差;
Cursive: 草书;
palette: 调色板;
serif: 衬线, 例如TimesNewRoman的字符们;
sans: = without;
css: Cascading Style Sheets;
最近家里用本本无线, 但是总掉线, 刚开始以为是路由问题, 重启, 好了, 但是太麻烦, 而且很频繁.
后来偶然发现本本掉线之后 (但是显示还有连接), 手动重连即可. 问题是这个毛病太频繁了, 平时在学校没事儿, 回家之后很烦.
受不了, 于是wireshark, 发现路由很奇怪地不回答arp询问, 导致动态arp的cache过期之后本本找不到gateway的mac地址, 无法送出数据包. 但是此时尚可以接收数据包, 这也可能是为什么skype或者其他云服务之类发现"自己"off-line会滞后于错误的实际发生时间.
虽然不知道是不是路由的问题 (已经从dd-wrt返回出场状态, 不过依然不能解决问题), 总有办法bypass, 就是static arp.
arp -s 68-7f-74-b0-f8-ab
可以设置静态arp, 但是在windows 7却得到 “The ARP entry addition failed: Access is denied.”
ms官方论坛没有细说, 但给出netsh方案. stackoverflow 给出:
netsh interface ip add neighbors <interface-name> <peer-ip> <peer-mac>
netsh interface ip add neighbors “Wireless Network Connection” 69-7f-ff-bf-f8-gb
但是错误提示: cannot load ipmontr.dll …. 我了个去 …
# general usage: rsync -avhuzP /path/to/src_folder/ username@serverIp:/home/username/path/to/dest_folder/ # other usages: alias rsyncBackupCompareAttr='rsync -avhuz --progress --delete --log-file=rsyncBackupLog.txt' alias rsyncBackupIgnoreAttr='rsync -avhuz --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --progress --delete --log-file=rsyncBackupLog.txt' -a: archive mode is -rlptgoD (no -A,-X,-U,-N,-H). -v: == --verbose. -h: human-readable. -u: transfer only if src has (newer timestamp) or (equal timestamp & different size). -z: == --compress during transfer. -P: == --partial --progress. --partial: keep partially transfered files in dest (will overwrite/delete.&.re-transfer by default).
Terminal -> Bell : Visual.
Window -> Appearance -> Font : DejaVu Sans Mono, 11 point.
Window -> Behaviour -> Window Title : <sth>
Connection -> Data -> Auto-log user: <user>
Connection -> SSH ->Auth -> Private key file : <path/to/file>
Change/Modify/Reset Translate Config
Modify file: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences
Now can be done in Chrome settings.
Clear DNS Host Cache
1. bib4word
use bit.ly to solve the “/-” (optional hyphen) display problem at the end of one line.
2. jabref > xml > import
web site/page
@electronic{MetacafeURL, title = {Metacafe}, url = "http://www.metacafe.com/", } white paper:
@inproceedings{inproceedingsWhite, author = {John Doe}, **title = {Full Reference metrics},** month = {Apr}, year = {9999}, **type = {White Paper},** **note = {{AccepTV}},** url = {http://goo.gl/cd8WE} } title, type, note (company/association) are mandatory. (IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf -> [59])
notice: use** double curly braces {{ }} for notes to have the capital beginning letter.
NOTE: this article is dated, please use Zotero plugins.
1. Import Resources
“over-write”, if asked.
2. Insert Citation
3. Append Bibliography
4. Known Issues
4.1. Delete Extra Items
MS will not delete the extra items (not cited items) automatically.
Make sure that your thesis is the final version, then you could delete the extra bib items.
References > Manage > Select (on the right hand) > Delete.
How to use mathtype:
1. Let there be green.
run !)MathTypePortable.exe and click the left button “安装”.
give any require a “pass”. wait 10 sec.
done, you could close the window now.
2. run the main executable MathType.exe. enjoy!
1. you could paste your latex equation text directly into MathType’s window.
2. you could get the latex text by copying. (need to config Preferences -> Cut and Copy Preferences first).
我有俩Gmail的邮箱, A和B。