

2011-05-08. Category & Tags: Others Others


InfoQ: Javascript的兴起是否意味着LAMP的终结?

2011-04-26. Category & Tags: Others Others

本文中,Olivier Mallassi和我们一起分享了典型软件开发项目的故事、一些典型的问题以及他从Tom Demarco那里学到的如何解决这些问题的方法,此外还有另一个故事。 架构 ,* ** Olivier Mallassi ** 2011年4月26日

Metamarkets Blog » Blog Archive » Node.js and the Javascript Age

2011-04-26. Category & Tags: Others Others

Three months ago, we decided to tear down the framework we were using for our dashboard, Python’s Django, and rebuild it entirely in server-side Javascript, using node.js. (If there is ever a time in a start-ups life to remodel parts of your infrastructure, it’s early on, when your range of motion is highest.) This decision was driven by a realization: the LAMP stack is dead. In the two decades since its birth, there have been fundamental shifts in the web’s make-up of content, protocols, servers, and clients. ...

InfoQ: Will the Rise of Javascript Mean the End of LAMP?

2011-04-26. Category & Tags: Others Others

No quite ... as I understand REST, it does not mean serve up a bunch of HTML to a browser. REST is about exchanging resource representations that are directly related to the application state, and by composition the resource state. The resource representation embeds "links" which define what you can do next from that resource perspective. This model does not assume any UI, though it works best to support a UI. ...


2011-04-26. Category & Tags: Others Others

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