Twins of Destiny
fixed with 4:3 on of Twins of Destiny opening credits Links:
fixed with 4:3 on of Twins of Destiny opening credits Links:
1楼 When the world is no longer fun, when the stars are no longer shining, Jules and julie never give in. The Twins of Destiny still keep smiling. When their friends are so far away, when their foes are waiting and watching, Jules and Julie never give in. The Twins of Destiny still keep fighting. Making their stand, for their homeland. Always so cool, Julie and Jules! When the moon is bright in the sky, in the darkest hour before morning, Jules and Julie never give in. ...
超级好听的一首歌 法国美女Alizee
李貞賢現場表演-哇 (紫衣白扇版)
i dunno, its a korean singer =D really cool the video xD well for me
no description available
Have fun …
突然想起还不知道文本加框怎么实现,就去网上搜了一下,顺便总结下。 先给一个文本的例子: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{CJK} \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{GB}{gbsn} \fbox{\shortstack{嘻嘻\哈哈}} \end{CJK*} \end{document} 再给一个图片加框的例子: \begin{figure} \centering \setlength{\fboxrule}{3pt} \setlength{\fboxsep}{1cm} \fbox{\includegraphics[totalheight=2in]{gull.eps}} \caption{Graphic with Customized Box} \label{fig:boxed_custom} \end{figure} 一般情况下,盒子由厚为0.4pt的直线围成,在框线和图形之间有 3pt 的距离。这些维数值都可以通过使用\setlength 命令设置 LATEX 的长度变量 \fboxrule 和 \fboxsep 来修改。
**!!! Security Bulletin !!! FutureQuest strongly recommends password protecting ALL phpMyAdmin installations. !!! Security Bulletin !!! ** All right, so you want to install phpMyAdmin. First, go to and download phpMyAdmin. (Note: The following instructions were written for phpMyAdmin version 3.3.8, which requires PHP5 and MySQL5. PHP5 is currently the default PHP at FutureQuest. MySQL5 is the default on all new packages and available by request on legacy accounts. ...