
Yanni - Voyage

2011-09-24. Category & Tags: Others Others, TubeFavourite

This fabulous song is from Yanni’s upcoming CD, Truth of Touch. Pre-order yours today at http://myplay.me/gm. Truth of Touch releases on February 8, 2011. And don’t forget, Yanni is touring the US and Canada starting in March. He’ll also be in Panama on February 12 and 13 at the beautiful Ruinas de Panama la Vieja!

Robyn 'Call Your Girlfriend' Official Video

2011-09-14. Category & Tags: Others Others, TubeFavourite

The official video for ‘Call Your Girlfriend’, taken from Robyn’s latest album ‘Body Talk’ available to buy now: http://itunes.com/robyn ‘Call Your Girlfriend’ is available to download now including remixes by Kaskade, Feed Me, Sultan Ned and Azari III. Listen to them here: http://robyn.com/#/discography/66 Directed by Max Vitali.

Jason Chen & Janice Yan

2011-09-05. Category & Tags: Others Others, TubeFavourite

Super excited that I finally got to meet and work with the beautiful and talented Janice Yan! Hope you guys enjoy this song and quick video we did last week! big shoutout to CSA at BU! Facebook.Weibo.Twitter.Youtube.iTunes.BigCartel janice http://t.sina.com.cn/janiceyanyige http://www.janiceyan.com http://www.facebook.com/janiceyanyige jason: http://www.facebook.com/jasonchenmusic http://t.sina.com.cn/therealjasonchen http://www.twitter.com/miniachilles Check out my tracks on iTunes! http://bit.ly/jasonchen T-Shirts and Wristbands available @ http://jasonchen.bigcartel.com

Janice Yan duet David

2011-09-05. Category & Tags: Others Others, TubeFavourite

Astonishing performance. Although she can’t compare with the origin Celine Dion but by singing her own passion and feeling these track may give you different experience and thinking. She is just age 20 when entering this Star of Avenue competition and yet she can well perform. Thumbs up if you really like her style no offense for the original singer Celine Dion. Janice may have more chance to get improve and improve . ...

Crazy Frog

2011-09-01. Category & Tags: Others Others, TubeFavourite

Music video by Crazy Frog performing Axel F. (C) 2005 Mach 1 Records GmbH under exclusive license to Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc

Perfect (Pink)

2011-08-27. Category & Tags: Others Others, TubeFavourite

Finally got a chance to work with Cathy Nguyen aka lilcdawg =) Get this track and check out my other songs on itunes! [http://bit.ly/JDCCathyPerfect](http://bit.ly/JDCCathyPerfect "http://bit.ly/JDCCathyPerfect") [http://bit.ly/jasonchen](http://bit.ly/jasonchen "http://bit.ly/jasonchen") Make sure to check out the unique talent that is Cathy http://www.youtube.com/lilcdawg This track was produced and mixed by NineDiamond http://www.youtube.com/ninediamond Music Never Sleeps. shirts and wristbands available at http://jasonchen.bigcartel.com Follow us on twitter and facebook! cathy: http://www.twitter.com/lilcdawg http://www.facebook.com/cathynguyenmusic jason: http://www.twitter.com/miniachilles http://www.facebook.com/jasonchenmusic book me for your event! ...


2011-08-25. Category & Tags: Others Others

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