1. lightning: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/lightning/download.html (take care of the version).
// “install ad-on from file”; do not use “cache” or bird will crash.
// 2. provider for google calendar.
// 3. calendar tweaks.
// other: google contacts.
Ubuntu 18.04
The default ibus-based Chinese input method is ready to use.
Thus, just change the language & input settings.
For Kubuntu 18.04, it is a good way to install fcitx-based methods.
sudo -s apt install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin cat >>/etc/environment <<EOD GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx EOD 设置》启动》添加自启动项(startup): fcitx -d
Xubuntu 在 开始菜单》所有设置 里面。
Lubuntu 在 开始菜单》Preferences->Default applications for LXSession
重新登录后,Ctrl + 空格可以调用输入法,shift 切换中英文。
dated below
ubuntu 11.
$ sudo apt-get install bsdgames
$ man wtf
另外, 找到一个字符界面的音量/声音调整: alsamixer (竟然是默认安装了 …. )
// 刚看完了 <那些年我們一起追的女孩>, 国语听起来有个别困难的地方. 啊, 第十五中学 ~
See also: code & project management software
Rachota,java,个人时间跟踪用.(在我的中文 ubuntu 上运行,很多方块 …..)
Dotproject 貌似很牛,上次看 proj 管理也看到了.但是 demo 为什么打不开 ….
Kimai 太复杂了.
7 Best Free Linux Time Tracking Software
Time Tracking [Project Hamster](http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20120102092428825/ProjectHamster.html) Time tracking applet for the GNOME desktop environment [Kimai](http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20120106091739996/Kimai.html) Web based software that tracks work time, and classifies it [Task Coach](http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20101002094015328/TaskCoach.html) Designed to deal with composite tasks [Rachota](http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20120106092050297/RachotaTimetracker.html) Designed for personal timetracking of projects [dotProject](http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090410203917702/dotProject.html) Web-based, multi-user, multi-language project management application [Kontact](http://www.
祝我好梦 :)
Just like “You treasure it only after you lose it.”, one reason why a person could not find out their interest is that they is working with their interest. I.e., If they do not hate what is going on, then they are doing what they are interested in.
ok, now i could sync my wm phone with google calendar again ~~~~~
wm couldn’t sync with two or more devices/servers now, why? it doesn’t matter, cause i will use g only ~~
From cnBeta 博文精选, 感谢 服务器托管租用问答网 的投递, 新闻来源:PHP100
本文是从Cussing in Commits: Which Programming Language Inspires the Most Swearing这篇文章翻译而来。 任何一个程序员都会告诉你,编程中有时你会气得叫骂不已。但你是否知道写C++程序会比写PHP程序或Python程序引起你更多的咒骂呢?
[pic ref]
一个叫Andrew Vos的开发人员在寻找一个可以业余时开发的项目时突发奇想,他决定在GitHub上抓取100万条程序注释、评论信息,对其进行扫描,看看里面有多少脏话。他只提取了George Carlin 所说的七个脏词,按编程语言分类对它们进行统计。为了避免语言的流行程度对统计结果的影响, Vos 对每种语言都抓取的相同数量的注释。
C++荣膺桂冠,但优势不是很明显。Ruby和JavaScript旗鼓相当,紧随C++之后。然后就是C,Java和C#,它们处于中间,但数量 于前者相比大幅的下降。Python和PHP程序员可能要么对这种语言很满意,要么是很绅士、有礼貌。当然,并不是说他们没有在注释评论中留下骂语就表明 他们没有咒骂。就像Vos在他的一篇博客里写的,“我用Python,但我的所有咒骂都是跟IE相关的。”
然而,你会发现,读读那些实际的注释评论信息会比这些统计数据更有趣,你可以访问 Vos 在GitHub上的帐户查看一下。我个人最喜欢的一句是:“去他妈的。就这样发布吧。”一点没错。布吧。”一点没错。
Will start level 2 unit 3, excited to saw there will be speaking at the beginning ………..
something wrong with the format of echo ...... ………..