g+ digest 更新 2011/10/27

g+ digest 更新 2011/10/27

2011-10-27. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [samantha vid originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
[samantha vid (fr. gplus)]  originally shared this post:  
  • [samantha vid originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
[samantha vid (fr. gplus)]  originally shared this post:  
  • [面向大海。。。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
面向大海。。。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-WREx4rJmmy4/Tqa4ZFFjZbI/AAAAAAAAZbE/BlPQqDE3kyQ/h301/329528QvYU.jpg)
  • [公知,意领,五毛,脑残,毛粉~必修课教材 Jason C originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
公知,意领,五毛,脑残,毛粉~必修课教材 [Jason C (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [为首长服务的艺术 (7 photos) (fr. gplus)] ![](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-SSSLFYPkqWs/Tqegry1kHFI/AAAAAAAAJHM/o1WjSt_vxps/h301/a.png)
  • [這位機長很強大… (fr. gplus)]
這位機長很強大... 超穩的 ,沒前輪耶.. [Briian Tsai (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Iran Air B727 at Tehran on Oct 18th 2011, landed without nose gear](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0m0ujn8FeE) [javascript:void(0);](void(0);)
  • [这次一淘和京东的口水战谁对谁错暂且不说,京东已经在robots.txt中加入了“User-agent: (fr. gplus)]
这次一淘和京东的口水战谁对谁错暂且不说,京东已经在robots.txt中加入了“User-agent: EtaoSpider Disallow: /”,一淘依然收录京东网站的信息,这个做法就太不合规矩了,这个不是技术不技术的问题,是行业规则!当年淘宝屏蔽百度抓取,百度都按规则出牌了,一淘,难道你的行业道德还不如百度? [Jason Zhao (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
  • [Google Plus banned in China, but hackers get through and use it anyways htt (fr. gplus)]
Google Plus banned in China, but hackers get through and use it anyways
[James Fierce (fr. gplus)]  originally shared this post:  
[Google Plus Banned in China as Social Media Explodes  - Part 1 [Exclusive]nd Google Plus Users in China - Part 1 [Exclusive] | Media Tapper](http://mediatapper.com/google-plus-banned-in-china-as-social-media-eplodes-part-1-exclusive/)  
  • [距离诺基亚 CEO 埃洛普宣布战略调整,拥抱 Windows Phone 至今已经过去了八个月,允诺在今年年底上市的第一代诺基亚 Windows Ph (fr. gplus)]
距离诺基亚 CEO 埃洛普宣布战略调整,拥抱 Windows Phone 至今已经过去了八个月,允诺在今年年底上市的第一代诺基亚 Windows Phone 也终于在今天的诺基亚大会上登场。
这次大会上,诺基亚一并发布了两款 Windows Phone:诺基亚 Lumia 800 和诺基亚 Lumia 710,均采用芒果系统(Windows Phone 7.5),分别覆盖不同价格区间。这两款手机之前都已经泄密,但正式发布的规格有所不同。  
[爱范儿 (fr. gplus)]  originally shared this post:  
[【置顶】新起点:诺基亚 Windows Phone 发布总结 - 爱范儿 · Beats of Bits - 发现创新价值的科技媒体](http://www.ifanr.com/58638)  

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