Blogs, Knowledge Bases (for tech), Teams Co-edit

Blogs, Knowledge Bases (for tech), Teams Co-edit

2022-04-11. Category & Tags: Blog, Knowledge Base, Knowledge Management, Note, Team Members Management


See also: Project & Code Management Platform Comparison

Blogs #

  • Public host 【not recommended due to the lack of desktop clients】: CSDN / CNBlogs (博客园) / zhuanlan.zhihu (知乎专栏) / / blogger / …
  • Self-host/Private host framework (LAMP/XAMPP/MEAN): / Drupal / Joomla / Hugo / Farbox2 …
  • Public/Private host: Hexo/JekyII/Hugo + / / …
    • Near real time solution: Farbox (open source version of Bitcron), Docsify (filename for URL, not good for SEO), hugo server.


LAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Python/Perl.
XAMPP = cross platform, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP/Python/Perl.
MEAN = MongoDB, Express (for Node.js), AngularJS, Node.js.

Knowledge Base, Knowledge Management, Online Office Recommendations #


  • 息流真正做到了 Block 块级的双链(且支持 pdf 双链),但是可能正是因为这个原因,和现有的 Word 等兼容度极差。但是对于技术流、会编程(尤其是 jupyter)的人,非常友好。
  • 飞书和钉钉文档各有优势。飞书的思维方式其实更高一筹,但是钉钉(阿里)的整合能力实在太强,飞书面对阿里有点看星星多却看路少的感觉,对新的小团体(<50)用户吸引力略逊色。
  • 腾讯文档适合日常办公,不适合知识共享。
  • 提示:以知识共享为目的的软件,一般都不支持导入 PPT(这个还得靠腾讯)。


✔ 本地 + vscode (可以配合自建或托管 GitHub 等在线博客)
✔ QQ 腾讯文档: 在线实时协作编辑, 兼容 office,支持批注导出.腾讯的普通文档不占空间,金山所有文档占用空间且默认自动上传打开的所有文件.
✔ 飞书 Feishu: 整体非常优秀. 贵,适合团队高级阶段(管文化阶段)内容产出. 在线实时协作编辑, 不支持批注导出。
✔ 钉钉文档 DingTalk: 整体优秀. 价格合适,适合团队前期(管人、管物阶段). 导入 docx 时不支持 URL,各级标题格式支持不好
✔ 我来 Wolai(被阿里收购):适合笔记管理:块级编辑器+支持双链, 不支持批注导出。
✔ 辅助插件 Web Clipper by DiamondYuan: 保存网页图片等,支持直连语雀等,支持直连 Github(.md).
✔ OneNote by MicroSoft: 强大, 适合个人知识管理, 但是对图片中文搜索不友好。
乄 FLowUS 息流: 真 block 级别各类双链,但是几乎不兼容 Office. 支持 PDF 标注嵌入文档. 支持导出为 PDF、 Markdown & CSV、 Word.
乄 石墨文档: 在线实时协作编辑, 不支持批注导出。
? Siyuan 思源笔记. 开源,适合个人,多端同步功能付费
× Yuque 阿里语雀:适合团队知识管理,对更大、更长的文档更友好。 但是本身 edit-publish 模式较慢,不适合短文档或实时编辑,没有原生 app?
? 有道云笔记: 过于简单, 据说有不少同步错误导致丢失、搜索很差.
? flomo 浮墨笔记.
× Notion: 太复杂,不如直接用语雀(加上网络问题、全英文)
× Confluence (by Atlassian) (类似阿里语雀,虽然有中文,除非用 Atlassian 比较习惯,否则没必要).
× Evernote/印象笔记: 当 archive 可以,比较稳定;但是功能非常不实用, 另外用户体验很差。

Notion, 语雀, 我来(的比较
语雀 vs 我来

Feishu 飞书 #


  • no pdf annotations.
  • proj. mgmt. module requires individual payments.
  • max size of exportable file: 100MB
  • canNOT export markdown (only word/pdf) directly, seems API can.
  • tech limits ref
free free + verified busi. std. busi. pro.
price 0 0 50/p/mon 80/p/mon
max persons nr. 50 500 5k 5k
max storage (also for emails) 10GB 50GB 500GB 2TB
max file size 20MB 10GB 50GB 50GB
meeting minutes (妙记) space 2G 10G 500GB 2TB
max meeting persons 10 25 50 100
one-meeting length 1h 1h 24h 24h
projects’ kanban & Gant NO ! NO !
dictionary items 50 50 50 50 000
publicly publish knowledge bases Yes Yes Yes Yes
multi-d table Yes Yes Yes Yes

free + verified version

price comparison

DingTalk 钉钉 #

Std. (personal verification) Pro.
price 0 9800 RMB/y
max persons nr. 500 (10k for verified comp.) 2000
annual verification fee (for comp.) 299 rmb free (included)
max storage 100GB 1TB
max public knowledge bases nr 10 unlimited
max knowledge base uploads 8G 20G
max file size 250MB 1GB
max devices nr. NO 5
max meeting persons 100 100
group files 6 mon 3y
chat hist. 6 mon 2y
chat hist. search NO Yes
online meeting length 1h 24h
publicly publish knowledge bases NO Yes
org. data analysis NO Yes
undo delete NO Yes
projects’ kanban & Gant (teambition) max 10 persons 400RMB/person/year
multi-d table Limited Yes
multi-d table > rwo-wise permission No Yes if ≥25/mon
multi-d table > max data-tables 20 40
multi-d table > max views/d-table 100 100~200
multi-d table > max fields/d-table 100 100~300
multi-d table > max rows 2k 20k
multi-d table > max history 3 d 6 mon
multi-d table > max attachment size 0.25GB 3GB
multi-d table > max co-editors 25 500

Tip: max extra paid space for Std. version: 300GB, 1000RMB/100GB/year.

Tech. advantage: vertical 2-column split view.

Tech. limits:

  • import file size: 20MB.
  • embedded file size: 8GB.
  • chat file size: 4GB.
  • chat file hist.:6 mon. (can be moved/synced to 钉盘 for persistancy)
  • ref

FlowUS 息流 #

Tip: by using personal pro version, one can invite unlimited collaborators.

Free Pro. Group Team
Price 0 9rmb/mon for edu. 160/y 200rmb/p/y
Ex. collaborators (matters!) 5 unlimited unlimited unlimited
File size 2GB 5GB 5GB 5GB
Storage 2GB 200GB 300GB 300GB shared + 150GB/person
Page history NO 1mon 2mon 6 mon
Page permission NO NO Yes Yes
publicly publish knowledge bases Yes Yes Yes Yes
Template nr. 5 unlimited unlimited unlimited
Citation recommendation NO Yes Yes Yes
Download/export dir./multi. files NO Yes Yes Yes
Space user nr. (only space users can create page) 1 1 5 unlimited
publicly publish knowledge bases Yes Yes Yes Yes

price ref

Yuque 阿里语雀 #

free personal version limits #

File storage: 10 GB.
Single documents/repository collaborators: 10.
Single image upload: 10MB.
Single basic file upload: 100MB.
Video/compressed files/etc. upload: not available.

free (life-time) team version limits #

File storage: 10 GB.
Members: 50.
Single image upload: 10MB.
Single basic file upload: 100MB.
Video/compressed files/etc. upload: not available.

limits compraed to paied team version #

Operation/access log: not available.
External contacts: not available.
Sharing management: not available.
Data analysis: not available.
API calling: not available.
Full Text Search: available.
AI translation: available.

Confluence (by Atlassian) #

  • Remote-Friendly Team Workspace.
  • Confluence is purpose-built for teams that need a secure and reliable way to collaborate on mission-critical projects.
  • Chinese version available (in Atlassian account settings).

free version limits #

2 GB file storage.
10 users.
1 site == 1 second-level domain name.
With Mobile App.
Integrated with Jira.
1 space = 1 team.
1 personal space = 1 person.
Pages: ineractive proj plans, blogs, logs…

Hugo #

install #

Due to getting a DBus error with snap, apt is suggested. Search e.g. “amd64.deb” on , right-click, copy link.

Tip 1: many things are changed since v0.124 (2024-03). Tip 2: hugo is enough, hugo-extended is from new templates with new SASS, PostCSS etc. “deploy” is for AWS cloud etc.

sudo apt install ./hugo....deb

frequent cmd #

Note: the apt package version is too old to use.

cd /path/to/hugo/blog/root/
sudo apt install -y snapd && sudo snap install hugo


tip: for dropbox to ignore “public” dir.:

sudo apt-get install attr
attr -s com.dropbox.ignored -V 1 /path/to/Dropbox/.../hugo-blog/public/

tip: for dropbox, delete Conflicts: vim vim rm_conflicts_and_hugo_build_and_sleep:

while true
	find ./public/ -name '*Conflict*' | xargs  -d '\n' rm -r
	sleep 0m 30s

or in one line: while true; do find ./public/ -name '*Conflict*' | xargs -d '\n' rm -r; hugo; sleep 0m 30s; done

tip: to serve, use py ‘simple http server’ with port number 80: dated! use nginx !!!

cd public

sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-setuptools libcap2-bin  && \
pip3 install SimpleHTTPServer SimpleHTTP404Server && \
ls /usr/bin/python3* | xargs -d '\n' sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep'

python3 -m SimpleHTTP404Server 80

themes #

learn & relearn: good: book-chapter-like sidebar; bad: no default TOC. loveIt: clean; bad: no default TOC.

add search for both cn & en in 5 min, by ttys3