
BibLatex, BibTex, Citation, Reference Formatting

2017-05-23. Category & Tags: Bibtex, LaTex, Tex, Bibliometrix

Tested version option: R 4.2.2, Bibliometrix 4.0.1 (current version 2022-12-01). See video tutorials on bilibili: 13min; 3 software playlist; etc. BIBLIOMETRIX (WITH BIBLIOSHINY GUI) # Install the “bibliometrix” r package: For Bibliometrix v4 (Windows binary): install.packages( c("bibliometrix"), type="win.binary") Dependencies will be installed. If type is not specified, you will be asked, and choose no: Then restart RStudio, and run biblioshiny: library(bibliometrix); biblioshiny() which shows a locl web (v3 & v4): ...