g+ digest 更新 2011/11/09
- [Nature Landscape Piriya Pete Wongkongkathep originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
Nature Landscape
[Piriya Pete Wongkongkathep (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Nature Landscape (fr. gplus)]

- [Lindo fim de tarde a proporcionar um belo pôr-de-sol de Outono sobre a Ilha (fr. gplus)]
Lindo fim de tarde a proporcionar um belo pôr-de-sol de Outono sobre a Ilha de São Miguel.
[#sunset (fr. gplus)]
[Filipe Alves (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Álbum #1 (1 fotografia) (fr. gplus)]

- [A selection of my work from BlameTheMonkey.com Elia Locardi originally shar (fr. gplus)]
A selection of my work from BlameTheMonkey.com
[Elia Locardi (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[A selection of my work from BlameTheMonkey.com (fr. gplus)]

- [Zsolt Zsigmond originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
[Zsolt Zsigmond (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Hungarian skies (54 photos) (fr. gplus)]

- [Zsolt Zsigmond originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
[Zsolt Zsigmond (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Hungarian skies (10 fotó) (fr. gplus)]

- [方便回复。以前总是+不成功,气死了 。。。 这个插件不错 ~~ Sunny Sunny originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
方便回复。以前总是+不成功,气死了 。。。 这个插件不错 ~~
[Sunny Sunny (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Replies and more for Google+ - Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fgmhgfecnmeljhchgcjlfldjiepcfpea)

- [方便回复。以前总是+不成功,气死了 。。。 这个插件不错 ~~ Replies and more for Google+ - Chrome Web S (fr. gplus)]
方便回复。以前总是+不成功,气死了 。。。 这个插件不错 ~~
[Replies and more for Google+ - Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fgmhgfecnmeljhchgcjlfldjiepcfpea)

- [Bode Museum - Berlin, Germany (HDR) ( http://bit.ly/fr-bode ) Back on home (fr. gplus)]
**Bode Museum - Berlin, Germany (HDR)** _( [http://bit.ly/fr-bode](http://bit.ly/fr-bode) )_
Back on home soil again! It's sure great to travel and see different places, but there is nothing like coming home, is there?
I'll be catching up with you over the next couple of days. I'll update the HDR@G+ list ([http://bit.ly/oWt800](http://bit.ly/oWt800)) and do some other things that had to wait over the last 11 days.
Also, I'll be uploading some new images soon. Many of the last posts where reloads. There'll be fresh stuff! Until then, here's a shot of the Bode museum in Berlin.
I hope you're all doing great!
[#hdr (fr. gplus)]
[Klaus Herrmann (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Beyond Reality (39 photos) (fr. gplus)]

- [Business rivals do always different and unexpected things…hahahahha ♥♥ RE (fr. gplus)]
Business rivals do always different and unexpected things...hahahahha
[Mehwish Dawood (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:

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