g+ digest 更新 2011/11/06
- [Baptiste Oddos originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
[Baptiste Oddos (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Confusions visuelles (30 photos) (fr. gplus)]

- [Looking into the past by Jason Powell source : (fr. gplus)]
Looking into the past by Jason Powell
source : [http://jasonepowell.com/](http://jasonepowell.com/)
[Baptiste Oddos (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Jason Powell - Looking in the past (24 photos) (fr. gplus)]

- [ (fr. gplus)]

- [ (fr. gplus)]

- [ (fr. gplus)]

- [挪威业余摄影师Tommy Eliassen拍摄于挪威的Ifjord (fr. gplus)]
挪威业余摄影师Tommy Eliassen拍摄于挪威的Ifjord

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