Artificial Intelligence

Learning Machine Learning, ML Books & Codes

2018-07-07. Category & Tags: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Book

See also: Machine Learning - Just-do-it (hands on) Basics Math Books Favoured # DSML (Kroese, Botev - Chapman Press 2019) Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods. With public datasets, code and pdf online. NNDL (Michael Nielsen 2016 邱锡鹏(译) 2020.06) Keywords: CNN, RNN, Attention, Gaussian Mix., RBM, DBN, GAN, RL, TF, PyTorch: equation, pseudocode, exercise … 公开了所有代码等内容的(中文)电子书。 PDF, PPT, code, exercise & solution, etc. MLAPP (Kevin Murphy), Machine Learning - A Probablistic Perspective, is more comprehensive, insightful and interesting, and contains more “real” examples/problems. ...

DMML Tools Trend & Relationship 2016

2016-06-16. Category & Tags: DMML, Tools, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

This is a summary of KD-nuggets blogs: here and here. Pictures are modified for my own notes. Tools Associations # sunny’s conclusion # Possible framework 1: Hadoop + Spark + Python + scikit. Possible framework 2: SQL+ Excel + Tableau. Try NOT use: RapidMiner, KNIME (whatever situation). Big Data Related Tools # Deep Learning Related Tools # Big_Data- / Deep_Learning-Related Tools # Conclusion 1: Big_Data & DL are positively related. ...