

2012-02-09. Category & Tags: Leading, Life, Others DailyStudy, Jobb, Leading, Life, Others, Stefanie

http://emuch.net/html/201004/1951179.html 如果说本科期间我拓宽了一下知识面算是个收获的理由,那么这一年半我真是对不起我自己了. 还有半年,我能做的就是"struggle for success"了,向这个女生学习. 也向zq和那个泰国人借鉴"just do it"的优点. 还有半年, 半年后我是谁? 我有我的plan 立此存照 的plan 立此存照 nbsp;


2011-07-21. Category & Tags: Leading, Life DailyStudy, Leading, Life

前些天有些无眠,今夜必定好梦。不仅仅是因为uboot的成功移植,更因为今夜的雨。 海洋气候有没有雨季?初中学的,早已忘了,不过就感受来说是有的。几个月的连绵阴雨,不出门一点也感觉不到暖和。虽然有点潮,但是却给晚上的睡眠带来香甜。 不是雷暴雨,也不是毛毛雨,不大不小正合适的叮叮咚咚,晚上听起来是那么迷人,呵呵,好好美一晚,明天接着给uboot加网络~~ 祝我好梦 :)

Efficient Learning: Remember 90%

Category & Tags: DailyStudy, Learning Pyramid, Memory, Learn to Learn, Methodology

This is a summery of Kaifu Lee Wechat post, & Lifehack, original author: Sean Kim. Wish you could learn faster? Whether you’re learning Spanish, a new instrument, or a new sport, we could all benefit from accelerated learning. But the problem is, there’s only so much time in the day. The key to accelerated learning is not just putting in more hours, but maximizing the effectiveness of the time spent learning. ...