2020-04-19. Category & Tags: Router, Ads, Asus, DNS

Firmwares # 官改、梅林改版下载: http://koolshare.cn/forum-96-1.html “改”=“+ Koolshare” File Transfering # SCP/WinSCP. (SFTP is not available by default) or, install & use FileBrowser in koolshare app store. Manually Install Koolshare App Offline # upload to /tmp tar xvzf … rm …tar.gz (to get some space) cd /tmp/my_app_name sh my_installer.sh (usually, it will remove this installer folder by itself) Warn: DO stop the FileBrowser app after transfering files. Remove Advertisements/Ads via Asus Router # by hosts # vi /jffs/configs/dnsmasq. ...

DNS & CDN Service Provider Comparison

2016-06-15. Category & Tags: DNS, CDN

DNS # nameisp # free for its own domains full features masked url NO catch-all email (can use mailgun) namecheap # free for any domain full features masked url dynamic D-DNS (using client) catch-all email forwarding dnspod # free for any domain limited TTL range NO masked url ($) free WAF often slow or timeout (pushing users to $) NO catch-all email (can use mailgun) CDN # Baidu & cloudflare are sharing the same nodes world wide (cooperation). ...