
Mathematical Terminology

2016-08-07. Category & Tags: Math, Terminology

See also: Math books Terminology # English Chinese Notes minuend − subtrahend = difference 被减数 - 减数 = 差 arithmetic progression (AP) / arithmetic sequence 等差数列 geometric progression (GP) / geometric sequence 等比数列 derivative 导数 turning point := at which the derivative changes sign 极值点 := 导数正负分界点(导数为 0 且变号) $f’=0$ && $f’(x-\delta) \cdot f’(x+\delta)<0$==单调性发生变化(但$x_0$处不一定可导) stationary point / critical point, of a differentiable function := at which the derivative/slope is 0 可微函数 的 驻点 := 导数为 0 的点 $f’=0$,$x_0$可导是前提. ...