LLM (Large Language Model) 大语言模型

LLM (Large Language Model) 大语言模型

2024-07-29. Category & Tags: AIGC, GPT, ChatGPT, LLM, Large Language Model, 大语言模型, 语言模型

See also:

Interesting APPs #

Some simple examples/demos.

Fine-tune vs. RAG vs. Prompt #

  • Fine-tune ≈ Learn a course
  • RAG ≈ open-book examination
  • Prompt ≈ ?

Several Tools to Run the LLM’s Model (itself) #

本地大模型启动 openai 服务的 N 种方式,vllm,fastchat,llama factory,llama.cpp,ollama

Chain of Thought / 思维链 #

  • 狭义: Chain of Thought = COT
  • 广义: 3 种: Chain of Thought = COT; Tree of Thought = TOT; Graph of Thought = GOT. 对应数据结构分别是: list, tree, graph.

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) Basics #

Typical RAG Question-answering System with Local-knowledgebase #

ref: 从基础 RAG 到 Agent: Llamaindex 助力大模型 应用落地的思考与实践,稀土开发者大会 2024.6

typical workflow (steps/modules): #

  1. Data Parsing & Input
  2. Search

naive RAG is NOT good at: #

  • Summarization / 综述总结
  • Comparison / 对比分析
  • Implicit Data / 含蓄暗示(间接提示)
  • Multi-part Questions / 多分段综合问题

due to (Reasons):

  • single-short / 单回合
  • no plan / 无 Query 理解、步骤规划,或低级理解和规划
  • no tools / 无工具调用
  • no reflection / 无反思
  • no memory / 无(上下文)记忆

thus improvements (Agentic RAG / 主动式 RAG):

  • use external tools
  • add reflection
  • multi-turn / 多回合 (多次循环或者按需循环,直到满意或者达到最大次数)
  • add query 理解/规划层 (逐步给出足够复杂的解决方案)
  • add memory

Define: Agentic RAG (which has 4 components/steps): #

  1. Reflect / 反思 【相对成熟】
  2. Tool Use / 工具使用 【相对成熟】
  3. Routing / 路由
  4. Conversation Memory / 对话记忆
  5. Query Planning / 规划

Agent #

See also:

Sunny Define Agent: 基于 LLM 的代理人。

Define: Reflect / 反思 【相对成熟】

  • Agent 检查、评估自己的工作结果,并提出改进的方法. (可以有效提高 LLM 生成的内容质量)

Define: Tool Use / 工具使用 (to generate correct input for tools w.r.t. Query, e.g.) 【相对成熟】

  • e.g. 1: (Define Auto-Retrieval: ) convert query to keys which are used as Vector DB filters
  • e.g. 2: Text-to-SQL as SQL DB input
  • e.g. 3: generate api calls

Define: Routing / 路由 (which has 2 components):

  • sematic search / 语义搜索 by Vector Query which retrives top-k results
  • summarization / 归纳总结

Define: Conversation Memory / 对话记忆:

  • not only keeping conversation history
  • but also how to fuse info when the history is larger than input context window (compress, search etc.)

Define: Query Planning / 规划 【早期发展阶段】 (e.g. compare 2 companies income increment) :

  • Agent 对用户的目标进行拆解并执行(比如一篇分析报告,拆分为提纲、分段撰写、总结小标题等,但未必和用户既定路线完全一致)。 通过连接工作流中不同的工具节点实现任务的精细编排和执行,编排难度较大, 能力上限较高,确定性较高。
  • e.g. plan: company A’s income & increment; company B’s income & increment; comparison

RAG 进阶策略 ( choose considering metrics ):

pic ref: 从基础 RAG 到 Agent: Llamaindex 助力大模型 应用落地的思考与实践,稀土开发者大会 2024.6

Define: Multi-Agent Collaboration / 协作【早期发展阶段】: 单个 agent 处理大量目标/子任务是超过 agent 的能力的,可以多个 AI Agent 协同工作,分工任务,讨论和辩论想法,提出比单个智能体更好的解决方案。需要关注复杂任务中的专家角色, 而无需精确设计流程和协作关系,实现了对复杂任务的分支处理, 编排难度较小, 结果的上限较高, 但是不确定性较高。 例如长文生成、 逻辑话题等。

  • 专 agent 专项任务
  • 并行
  • 还要考虑成本和响应时间

Define Llama Agents Framework 产品 (一个模块化的面向服务的分布式架构): 通过 “Control Plane” (包括: Orchestrator & Service Metadata) 生成各 Agent 的调用,通过 “Message Queue” 发送给对应的各个 agent,比起 autogen、crewai 等,引入了人的反馈:

RAG 未来展望(LlamaIndex):可观、可控、可定制。

See also: LlamaHub.ai for RAG components (mainly LlamaParse for Data Parsing & Input. Note: LlamaParse is online and requires api-key).

Frameworks Comparison #

Aspect LangChain LlamaIndex Hugging Face Transformers GPT-Index DeepPavlov PromptLayer CrewAI
Prompt Engineering Extensive support, custom prompt templates Basic prompt management Advanced prompt engineering capabilities Focus on integrating prompts with index retrieval Flexible prompt support Advanced prompt engineering capabilities Advanced prompt support and customization
Data Retrieval and Integration Robust integration with various data sources Focus on indexing and retrieval from multiple sources Integration via datasets and APIs Emphasizes retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) Integration with various data sources and formats Emphasis on data integration with prompt execution Comprehensive data retrieval and integration capabilities
Model Orchestration and Chaining Strong orchestration for complex workflows Limited chaining capabilities Orchestration through pipelines and workflows Focuses on indexing and retrieval chains Supports chaining and workflow management Workflow management with observability features Robust orchestration and chaining for complex tasks
Debugging and Observability Good debugging tools, extensive logging capabilities Basic logging and monitoring Advanced logging and model monitoring Debugging focused on retrieval issues Logging and error handling capabilities Integrated observability with real-time logging Advanced debugging and observability tools
LLM Applications (RAGs) Strong support for Retrieval-Augmented Generation Basic support for RAGs Supports RAGs through pipelines RAGs are a core feature Supports RAGs Integrated RAG support with advanced features Comprehensive support for RAGs and similar applications
Evaluations Tools for evaluating prompt effectiveness Basic evaluation capabilities Comprehensive evaluation tools and metrics Evaluation focuses on indexing accuracy Evaluation tools for model performance Detailed evaluation tools and metrics Detailed evaluation tools and metrics
Production Readiness Well-suited for production with enterprise features Suitable for production with indexing capabilities Production-ready with robust API support Designed for production with focus on indexing Production-ready with enterprise support Well-suited for production with enterprise capabilities Well-suited for production with enterprise features
Ecosystems and Integrations Strong ecosystem with various integrations Limited integrations, focus on indexing Extensive ecosystem with numerous integrations Focused integrations with RAG-centric tools Good ecosystem with various integrations Ecosystem includes integration with observability tools Comprehensive ecosystem and integrations
Support (Documents, Tutorials, Community) Extensive documentation, strong community support Basic documentation, growing community Comprehensive documentation, extensive community Good documentation, active community Detailed documentation, community support Good documentation, community support, tutorials Comprehensive documentation, strong community support

Warning: Crew AI collects anonymized usage data/info and reports to telemetry.crewai.com. Solution: Disable by faking it in OpenTelemetry lib.


  1. 4o mini
  2. LangChain vs. Alternatives:
  3. Hugging Face Transformers:
  4. GPT-Index:
  5. DeepPavlov:
  6. PromptLayer:
  7. CrewAI:

Frameworks in Details #

for fun & basic usage #

ChatBot Ollama

for development #




Autogen Studio by MicroSoft

GraphRAG neo4j presentation in graphics

LLM for Scholar #

Elicit ref OpenRead ref

LLM + Graph + Simple Local (English) #

MS GraphRAG + Ollama 本地部署

# 拉取quantinz模型
ollama pull quentinz/bge-base-zh-v1.5:latest

# 拉取gemma模型
ollama run gemma2:9b

# 展示模型列表
ollama list

Main refs:

Other refs:


faq #

Problem: “not answering in json” related problem. Hot (bypass) fix:

In graphrag/llm/openai/utils.py, replace result = json.loads(input) with:

        result_list = input.replace('** ',' ').split('* **')[1:-1]
        result = dict({'points': []})
        for one_result in result_list:
            result['points'].append({'description': one_result, 'score': 85})
        input = json.dumps(result)

LLM + Graph + Simple Local (Chinese) #

Main refs:

Other refs:

LLM + Graph + Local (+ Neo4j) #


Cinnamon/kotaemon: advantages: multi-model, docker, graph-display, customizable pipeline.
