Learning Machine Learning, ML Books & Codes

Learning Machine Learning, ML Books & Codes

2018-07-07. Category & Tags: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Book

See also:

Favoured #

  • DSML (Kroese, Botev et.al. - Chapman Press 2019) Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods. With public datasets, code and pdf online.

  • NNDL (Michael Nielsen 2016 邱锡鹏(译) 2020.06) Keywords: CNN, RNN, Attention, Gaussian Mix., RBM, DBN, GAN, RL, TF, PyTorch: equation, pseudocode, exercise … 公开了所有代码等内容的(中文)电子书。 PDF, PPT, code, exercise & solution, etc.

  • MLAPP (Kevin Murphy), Machine Learning - A Probablistic Perspective, is more comprehensive, insightful and interesting, and contains more “real” examples/problems. However, the presents are kinda out of order, which can be difficult to follow for a first book.

  • PRML (Christopher Bishop), Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, is for the ones are very comfortable with calculus/linear algebra, Bayes-oriented, advanced. (Github code in python, matlab)

  • ESL (Trevor Hastie), Elements of Statistical Learning, 2n ed. Springer 2017. Contains even harder math (ref: zhihu ans. –> point.2), stats.-oriented, advanced.
    (中文翻译《统计学习要素》、R 代码实现及其习题解答 via Python 数据科学)

Good Text Books (for Master & PhD ?) #

  • Machine Learning by Peter Flach (Cambridge University Press 2012) - The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data. [The examples in this book are clear and easy to understand.]

  • Machine Learning by Tom M Mitchell (McGraw-Hill 1997). (Classical, many original terms and ideas.)

  • PRML by Christopher Bishop. (See “favoured”)

  • 南京大学 周志华 《机器学习》 (“西瓜书”) 清华大学出版社 2016:有伪码,但是比 Peter Flach 的难懂,需要比较熟悉统计语言,旁注格式不如他的另一本书《集成学习》中的 in-line 注释。 类似清华的红皮 PR,没有推导过程,推导可以参考开源南瓜书:西瓜书的公式推导 (“南瓜书”) by Datawhale

  • MLY (Andrew Ng), Machine Learning Yearning (EN full: ch1-13), 《CN: 机器学习秘籍》(技巧)(CN Web online), (CN Github) and someone’s notes: part 1 (bak), part 2 (bak) and part 3.

More Codes #

Deep Learning #

  • Yoshua Bengio 和 GAN 之父 Ian Goodfellow 等人合著的 Deep Learning: 中文版 on github (pan.baidu), 英文版 github (pan.baidu).
  • DL With Python, by Francois Chollet (also the author of Keras). Detailed introduction of CNN & RNN on CV & text analysis in Keras.
  • DL for CV with Python [//trilogy], by Adrian Rosebrock.
  • Hands on ML with SL and TF [//genius for clarity], by Aurélien Géron.
  • DL - A Practioner’s Approach, [java], by Adam Gibson & Josh Patterson.
  • DL with Python, by Jason Brownlee. [//with code, easy to understand]
  • Practical Python and Open CV, by Adrian Rosebrock. [// fast into CV]
  • DL with TF, by Giancarlo Zaccone, [// DL 101].


More Books #

Dated #

  • Programming Collective Intelligence 《集体智慧编程》 2007 O’REILLY by Toby Segaran: Programming selected algorithms from scratch. Good to read when learning some ML courses (e.g. ML by Andrew Ng, Stanford).
