g+ digest 更新 2011/12/03

g+ digest 更新 2011/12/03

2011-12-03. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [程序员的本质 (fr. gplus)]
  • [虽然时免费不完整版,但是还是有下载玩一玩的必要。 Houge Langley originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
虽然时免费不完整版,但是还是有下载玩一玩的必要。 [Houge Langley (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [World of Goo Demo](https://market.android.com/details?id=com.twodboy.worldofgoodemo) ![](http://images1-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=https://androidmarket.googleusercontent.com/android/market/com.twodboy.worldofgoodemo/hi-256-0-ef6056b00ce5e85d1134657e0f793c6ff851b871&container=focus&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image/*&refresh=31536000&resize_h=120&no_expand=1)
  • [#Android 经典PC休闲游戏【粘粘世界】登陆手机了!玩家要用粘性小球搭建各种结构完成任务。该游戏在美国独立游戏节包揽多项大奖,是极具创意的精品 (fr. gplus)]
[#Android (fr. gplus)] 经典PC休闲游戏【粘粘世界】登陆手机了!玩家要用粘性小球搭建各种结构完成任务。该游戏在美国独立游戏节包揽多项大奖,是极具创意的精品之作。 [网易应用 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [粘粘世界(World Of Goo)_休闲益智_Android首页_网易应用](http://m.163.com/android/software/2vu9ds.html) ![](http://images1-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http://img5.cache.netease.com/m/app/201111/29/9CC6O4A4.jpg&container=focus&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image/*&refresh=31536000&resize_h=120&no_expand=1)
  • [G+ Extended - Chrome Web Store (fr. gplus)]
[G+ Extended - Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nafbdgpajdhkjnaeafkboodleapnpjbg)  
  • [Portfolio - A Selection Trey Ratcliff originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
Portfolio - A Selection [Trey Ratcliff (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Portfolio - A Selection (fr. gplus)] ![](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-WA6lGfoe0bQ/TgtZEe9guNI/AAAAAAAABig/6KjG4VFSb64/h301/photo.jpg)
  • [The Golden Finance District #LondonPhotoWalk , #londonphotowalkchallenge , (fr. gplus)]
The Golden Finance District [#LondonPhotoWalk (fr. gplus)] [Jason Mayes (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Google+ London Photo Walk 26th Nov 2011 (7 photos) (fr. gplus)] ![](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CSZFeCeb0uU/TtJZgL9UMKI/AAAAAAAAAzc/yLuYVU-6epk/w402/Golden-Finance.jpg)
  • [Only 4 spots left This is one of my favorite places to visit during the wi (fr. gplus)]
**Only 4 spots left** This is one of my favorite places to visit during the winter birding season! If you're looking to improve your long lens technique, here's a great place to do it. [Jason Odell (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Luminescence of Nature Photography Workshops](http://www.meetup.com/jason-odell-photo/events/34998442/) ![](http://images1-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/a/d/d/6/event_58964502.jpeg&container=focus&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image/*&refresh=31536000&resize_h=120&no_expand=1)
  • [I just "died" watching this. (fr. gplus)]
I just "died" watching this. [Lamarr Wilson (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-5W8P95UpBaY/TthYdBulq8I/AAAAAAAALYo/zWqeGLbp29E/w364/abd-127.gif)
  • [Sunset from the stern After a great day of sailing we had this amazing sun (fr. gplus)]
**Sunset from the stern**

After a great day of sailing we had this amazing sunset in the English channel
I used one of the anchors for the framing

**after 14 days on a rigmove, we are now in the Northsea at the Dan field.**  

Had a great trip from Vlissingen, in Holland trough the English channel in some fine weather. The trip took four days at the speed of 2.5 knots by two tugboats.

[#TonemapHDRTuesday (fr. gplus)] 

[#FisheyeFriday (fr. gplus)]

[#H-L-Andersen (fr. gplus)] 

[#photographer (fr. gplus)] [H-L- Andersen (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
[Offshore (60 fotos) (fr. gplus)]

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