g+ digest 2011/08/30

g+ digest 2011/08/30

2011-08-30. Category & Tags: Default Default, Music

  • [Google+ 不仅是社交网络,更是 Google 的身份识别服务 谷奥 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
Google+ 不仅是社交网络,更是 Google 的身份识别服务 [谷奥 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [Google+ 不仅是社交网络,更是 Google 的身份识别服务 | 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘](http://www.guao.hk/posts/google-isnt-just-a-social-network-its-an-identity-service.html) ![](http://images1-focus-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http://www.guao.hk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/google-circles.jpg&container=focus&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image/*&refresh=31536000&resize_w=150&no_expand=1)
  • [唬爛…. (fr. gplus)]
唬爛.... [Briian Tsai (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: [iPhone 5 Concept Features](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzsBwnv_dAg) [http://www.youtube.com/v/lzsBwnv_dAg&hl=en&fs=1&autoplay=1](http://www.youtube.com/v/lzsBwnv_dAg&hl=en&fs=1&autoplay=1)
  • [Egg….. (fr. gplus)]
Egg..... [波波 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nz6m__XCRA8/Tlj3Dc6tqBI/AAAAAAAAUT0/ydHVSPv_8tk/h301/43a39d58gw1dkj2he879rj.jpg)
  • [渔舟唱晚。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
渔舟唱晚。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-KayupUsL6h4/TlkGPNS-ODI/AAAAAAAAWhI/MH5TRjDgCp8/h301/1.jpg)
  • [I have a bet with my boss today! (fr. gplus)]
I have a bet with my boss today! He thinks that using Google+ is a waste of time, not a realistic networking tool and does not see the benefit. So he has agreed to give me $1 for every +1 / comment I get. Considering I have over 500 connections I think I can get an iPad out of this. Start +1'ing this update or leave your comment! :D [Mark Lucio (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
  • [吓我一大跳 以为IP被墙 检查之后才发现是GODADDY的NAME SERVER又一组被奸 该死的GFW 看来GODADDY的的所有NS会有全部被奸的 (fr. gplus)]
吓我一大跳 以为IP被墙 检查之后才发现是GODADDY的NAME SERVER又一组被奸 该死的GFW 看来GODADDY的的所有NS会有全部被奸的一天 抄送所有今天发现域名无法解析的朋友 如果连IP都解析不出来 那就是这个原因了 和你的网站空间没关系 [Tuizong Zhang (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post:
  • [哈哈,介个。。。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
哈哈,介个。。。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-833EIkNrHh0/TloOr3SKGOI/AAAAAAAAWjo/A7bTYgBa_Ug/w402/21.jpg)
  • [落霞与孤鹜齐飞。 左岸 originally shared this post: (fr. gplus)]
落霞与孤鹜齐飞。 [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-hYbxzlt5iSg/TloRzWCdSCI/AAAAAAAAWkM/IanoqLLQzVA/w402/20.jpg)
  • [Sahara Desert, I miss you… (fr. gplus)]
Sahara Desert, I miss you... [左岸 (fr. gplus)] originally shared this post: ![](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-O1LGUiGMVlg/Tlog5Pp7HcI/AAAAAAAAWmA/dqa9gy5mW0w/w402/24.jpg)

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